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SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR?ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. FIRST PRIMARY ELECTS LADNER AND EGLOFF CITY COMMISSIONERS! Mayor G. Y. Blaize and Alderman Chas. Traub, Sr., Candidates For Mayor, to Run Over Saturday, 26th? Ladner and Egloff Supporting Traub. Ferdinand H. Egloff, present city assessor and tax-collector; Sylvan J. Ladner, city auditor and secretary, were respectively nominated in the i first primary election on Saturday last, to be commissioners under our new form of government, to take effect with the beginning of the year. Egloff Leads Ticket. Egloff lead the ticket with 553 votes, while Ladner polled 51G. Other candidates ar.d votes polled in their favor are: L. C. Carver, 207; W. C. Sick, 240. Egloff and Ladner receiving a majority of votes were declared the nominees., Race For Mayor. G. Y. Blaize, present incumbent, received 312, while Capt. Chas. Traub polled 347, and will be in a second primary this Saturday, November 2G. Leon B. Capdepon-, candidate for mayor, received 105, while Alderman H. deSevre Gillum, also candidate for mayor, received 10. Saturday will decide the race for the mayoralty. The campaign all along has been clean and calm and there is every reason to say it will continue same. We hope a full vote will turn out, that the majority of voters of the city have had their official say, and the selection in turn be that of the majority. Election last Saturday was in charge of E. J. Giering, Arthur Sca-fiile, James Sylvester. SON-IN-LAW OF / SAUCIER FAMILY IN AUTO ACCIDENT Jack A. Robinson Escapes Death in Auto Wreck? Companion Killed. To the Voters of the City of Bny St f ouis. I take thi^ means of expressing to you my appreciation for the large majority received by me at the Democratic-Primary held on last Saturday which thereby virtually elected me to the office of Commissioner of the city for the n>2xt four years. It was indeed gratifying for me to know that the people of our city had ? " ni'i1 i :i 11 v CHAS. TRAUB, SRi'i ^GIVES STATEMENT; TO CITY VOTER Mr. Jack A. Robertson, of Columbia, Miss., a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Saucier of this city, lies in the Columbia Clinic hospital seriously injured and his friend, Evan M. Collins crushed to death as the result of an auto accident that took place at Columbia on Thursday night, Nov. 17th. Mr. Robertson was en route to get his wife, who was Miss Valmae Saucier before her marriage last August, who was attending a party on the outskirts of the city and was accompanied by his friend,'Mr. Collins. They drove about a mile to the east of town and on returning were just two blocks from their I destipation, when the blinding headlights of an approaching car caused them to swerve to the right irto a parked Ford coupe that carried no lights, the fearful impact demolished both cars, turning Mr. Robertson?s auto over twice, and precipitating both the young men to the. ground, wli<re Mr. Collins was instantly killed and Mr. Robertson painfully injured. Mr. Robertson was at once rushed to the hospital for treatment, as it was seen that he was still breathing. Mr. Collins was very badly crushed as the car upset upon!|his prostrate form, a high embankmdnt saved Mr. Robertson from death 1 as he was thrown out . The parked car was owned by a negro who was under his car doing Desires to Give City an Ec< nomical Administration? to Revise Assessments. On Saturday last the voters of c City gave me more votes than a other candidate for the office Mayor Commissioner, making me ' leading candidate by a good mar: and I wish to express to you my gr appreciation for the honor that': have done me, words cannot expi my thanks to you. It is, however, necessary that a s ond primary be held for the Tun-between myself and the other cai date who is running second. I m this an earnest appeal to my frie and the friends of a clean govt ment to stay in the fight until i urday night, i feel certain that majority of the votes will be cast me. Supporters of the other two ca dates who are now out of the race coming to me with their support. Feeling reasonably certain of n ination, I wish to reiterate that w elected I wiill always endeavor work in perfect harmony with two commissioners elected, Mr. F inand Egloff and Mr. Sylvan J. 1 ner, two men in whom I have th( most confidence and respect. M; iation with them in the past an< city matters during our two year gtther, has been most pleasant their advice is always valuable helpful and I will always seek counsel. It is my desire to give the cit economical administration; re for the people of the city the ' of 100 cents of every dollar oi taxpayer?s money spent; ca equalization "of all taxes and a sion downward, whenever pos mid relieve our taxpayers of heavy burden they are now gro under. I will Mo all in my pow operate the waterworks system < own revenue by economy and out raising the, present water r hoping to lower them in the ne; ture. Harmony and good will all civic organization and eounl thorities. I will not go into the prese nancial affairs of the City, bu1 that you take no statement for
Traub, Capt Charles 024