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H. ACCESSORY’ BUILDINGS 1. Shall not excced the primary structure in height in residential zones, and in no case shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet total. 2. Shall be included in determining lot coverage by the principal building or buildings. Hie following shall be exceptions : a. Swimming pools. b. Not more than one single story accessory building which occupies 500 square feet or less of rear yard area, per site. I. AREA CANNOT BE REDUCED 1. No lot, yard, court, parking area or other space shall be so reduced in area or dimension as to make said area or ' dimension less than the minimum required under the Zoning Ordinance. If already less than the minimum required, said area or dimension shall not be further reduced. 2. No part of the space required about any building or group of buildings for the purpose of complying with the Zoning Ordinance shall be used as part of the required space for another building or group of buildings unless otherwise provided for in this crdur. Section 404. REGULATIONS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING AREAS A. TOTAL ANDUNT OF SPACE REQUIRED In all zones, regarding ever/ use, sufficient off-street parking spaces shall be provided to accomplish the principles set forth in this ordinance and to meet the parking demands generated by residents, employees, company officials, company vehicles, mid customers. Each narking space shall contain not less tlian two hundred (200) square feet in area exclusive of access and circulation aisles. Where there i.s more than one use in a single strucure on a site (e.g., doctor, attorney, and retail grocery) or two or more separate mst.mces of the same use (e.g., two doctors' on ! ces), off-sr reet parking requirements shall be the sum of the requirements for the various ur^s. Off-street parking required for one of a structure shall not be considered as satisfying the required parking facilities for another occupnnt nf the structure unless ';t"erwise provided in this order'. The minimum number of required spaces shall be determined by the foil wing criteria:
BSL Zoning 1964-Ordinance-page-23