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HANCOC- BOUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Ir^ST OFFICE BOX 312 BAY ST. LOUTS, MISSISSIPPI 39520 23 January 1988 NEWSLETTER Dear Member: We ended 1987 with a great bayside dedication cerainony on December 16th, of the Magnolia Marker for the Naval Battle of the Bay of St. Louis in 1814. The turn-out was large and enthusiastic. The American Legion Honor Guard presented the colors while Sherry Schwabacher sang the National Anthem accompanied by Carol Mahler on the electric organ. Then Pete Chapman read the narriative of the battle and at the appropriate moment, Claude Hogan fired his cannon signifying the start of the battle. Later in the ceremony, Mary and Mike Harris threw a wreath into the water honoring those who died in the battle. Mrs. Susan Ensweiler from the Department of Archives and History presented the marker to Dr. Bradford and Mayor Victor Franck Low Lei/, who unvoi Lod the marker. The event was covered by the "Echo", the "Herald" and by TV 13. On the 16th of December, the new officers were installed at our noon meeting at the Landmark. Mayor Franckiewictz was the principal speaker. Seven new officers were elected: President, Charles Gray; Secretary, Ruth Thompson; First Vice President, Gertrude Stanton; Second Vice President, Ann Whiddon; Membership, Nevil Jacobs; Publicity, Larry Heller; Historian, Pat Wilson. Meg fli Hiker reinaines as treasurer and begins the second year of her term. At this meeting, Mayor Franckiewictz presented a copy of the Sanborne Maps of Bay St. Louis, and Waveland to the Hancock County Historical Society and a copy to the Library. Charles Gray accepted for the HCHS and Mary Leigh Weston accepted for the Library. These maps were made in August 1930 and were up-dated through 1963. They are extremely detailed and are a great addition to our reference files. We are happy to note that we have quiet a few new members. We welcome Edwin M. Davidson, Jean Davidson, Aria Todd, Irene McIntosh, Vic Franckiewitz, Dennis J. Carver, Steven mbrose, Moria Ambrose, Myrtle Burke, Donald Watson, Rita Blaize Watson, Brother Herman Boland, Sonny Wolfe, Kay Wolfe, George Diktaban, Cynthia Diktaban, Ann Allen, Nancy Gex, William Spence and Barbara Guichet. Also several former members have renewed their lapsed membershuip and we are delighted to have them back. The next meeting of the Hancock County Historical Society will be Wednesday, January 27th at the Landmark Restaurant at 12 Noon. We hope to see you there.
Battle of 1814 Newsletter