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Notre Dame Archives: Calendar
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Choiselat, Ch(arles): Paris, (France)
to Archbishop (Anthony) Blanc: New Orleans. (Louisiana)
The receipts of the Association for the Propagation of the Faith have held up with preceding years, in these difficult times. Choiselat is bale to send the balance for New Orleans without any reduction from the allocation voted for 1855. He hopes that Blanc will continue his support of the Association. The allocation was 15,000 francs; the treasurer of Lyons paid 2700 francs; Blanc received 4000 for the Association; on January 17, 1856 Choiselat sent a draft for 3000. Enclosed (no enclosure) is a draft for 5300 francs. As administrator for the diocese of Natchez. Choiselat also sends Blanc the balance for the diocese. The allocation was 18,000 francs. On October 10, 1855 on an order drawn by Bishop (James Oliver) Vandevelde, Choiselat paid 200 francs to Miss Courjault. A draft for 5200 was sent and enclosed (no enclosure) is the balance of 12,600 francs. Choiselat signs as secretary-treasurer. (P.S.) Choiselat did not receive until after an unexplained delay, the letter which Blanc wrote him on February 28. He would certainly have made haste to send the draft forms. The Superior of the Sisters of St. Joseph (of Bourg) came to beg him to give her from the allocation for l^tchez^3000lrancs to pay tor the passage^of her STsters~wKo were"? leaving for Natchez at the invitation of Father (Stanislaus) Buteux. Since she could eivFncT?
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document in support of her request ana having no authorization from the late Bishop Vandevelde, nor fromBlanc, ChoiselatwaFobTTged to refuse. The enclosed draft (no enclosure) therefore includes the entire balance due to Natchez. Blanc asked Choiselat about the advisability of reducing Vandevelde's debts with sums voted by the Councils, either for Natchez or New Orleans. For Natchez, Blanc is certainly the judge and master of the disposition to be made. As to New Orleans, it would be difficult to do otherwise than by a claim in advance to be recovered later as this sum was evidently in the mind of the Councils and would be published. The letter which the Fathers of the New Orleans Council sent to the Association with Blanc as one of the signers, touched them deeply. This is surely the most consoling reward they could reap.
VI-1-j - L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 4to. - {8}

Buteux, Father Stanislaus 027
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