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Lewis, Samella. (l 992). Landau/Travelling Exhibitions. s. Los Angeles, CA. includes photographs of Masaai, Feral Benga, stedore, African Man Dancing, Bitth of die Spirituals, lulius, The Negro Looks Ahead, Dreamer, Angry Christ, Josephine Baker, Black Madonna, Pan, Head of Boy, Meditation, inner Music, woman Putting Flower in Hair, seeker, Paul Robeson as Othello Mabunda, L Mpho. (1998). Detroit Ml. Gale Research. Brief biographical information and photograph of Barthe with bust of Abraham Lincoln. Moritz, Charles, (edj. (1989). Current Biography Yearbook 1989. New York, H. w. Wilson Company: 655. Baith6 mentioned in the obituaries. ploski, Hany A. and Williams, lames (comps, edsj. (1989). ihe edj. Detroit, Ml; New York, Gale Research, inc. short biographical entry and illustrations of Barthes work. salzman, jack, Smith, David Lionel, west, Cornell (eds.) (1996). Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History. New York. Macmillan Library Reference USA, Simon and Schuster Macmillan. Laige amount of information about Barth6 in vol. I. vendryes, Margaret Rose. (|une, 1997). Expression and Repres- (Thesis). Princeton university, Department of Art and Archaeology. An Annotated Bibliography f m tr??r \ 'A a' HANCOCK COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM
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