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family Bible that lists all- ^=he known children of Peyton and Mary Ann, and their birth dates. JanwssE Lee is recorded in this Bible as the oldest child of Peyton and 1-fe.ry Ann. He was bom Dec. 24, 1829. Theresa Ann Lee is recorded^ as being the first daughter of Peyton and Mary ton. She was born in i-^39. Therefore, the age brackets of 2 males 0-4 and 1 female 0-4 not agxee with this record. (3) The 1840 census lists only 1 10?-4 male. This would be James bom in 1829. The other male 0-4 in the 1<?3D census must have died after 1830. The 1840 census still lists in ?^2yton's household 1 female 15-19. She is not recorded in the fami^T Bible and no oral history gives account of her. She either died 1840 or quite possibly married before the family came to Mississ!?1?!.- It is my conclusion that these two unaccounted for children wet^ not Peyton?s. Since oral history records the earlier marriage of Mar7" ^ann, I believe this to be a good conclusion. Later revelations 'T^mld prove me to be wrong about this. A copy of the family Bli?e record is shown on page Z_____________. Hancock County, Mississippi ?'2Tton Lee 1B01-1873 When did Peyton and Mai"7" -ton move to Mississippi? I received early oral history that the7 :=acved here when James was about 12 or 13 years old which would have besc about 1842. But I later learned that Helen Caroline Lee (Aunt CaH-i^ Sccies) told her daughter, Emma, that they moved here when she wa* ^ little girl about three years old. Helen was bom in 1844 so ths^z -would be around 1847. Helen remembered that they came in an ox cart ?*?rh a lot of other wagons. From this, P
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