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i	the SW corner ot Block 1 of Hie Town of Gainesville, as per plat of she town
of Gainesville filed in the ofiiee of the Chancery Cler,. of Hancock County, liiss;
i	thence South	39 decrees;	'Sant 6 chains and 60 links (263	feet) to a stake; thence
Borth 81 decrees Kast 7	chains and a& links (486 feet 9	inches) to a stake; thence
South 31 degrees	756 feet to the florth bank of i-a6t Pearl Kiver; thence East-
erly alone said river about 46 feet to the oenter of Harper's iiayou; thence northerly along the oci.ter of the Channel of saio. Itarper's huyou to the Public Hoad known as the Pearlington - ^ainesVille Hoad; thence along the South side of said road Korth 86 degr>.v;8 wosjfc up^roxiuately 4S6 feet; thence alon^ said roaa South 4& degree s west, approximately 2%7 feet to ^he i,'w comer of iijock "Ci" of the xowi of Gainesville; thence south 46 -.e^reeu Sast B66 feet the KE corner of the town of Gainesville;
i	thence Soutfc	44 degrees	tfest along the ~ast line of the	Town of Gainesville 260
fs*et; thence	South 60 decrees and 30 minutes West alone	the eastern boundary of the
town cf ^ainesviiie approximately 965 feet to the place of beginning. oontaining approximately 23.0 aores.
i	End. Beginning at she intersectioi. of the East side of Center “treet with
! thi South line of "ater street, which point is the HW Corner of Elook "A", Town of Gainesville; thenoe IJorth 46 decrees -eat 300 feet; thence -outh 44 decrees ,.est, apprexinuitely 176 feet; thence South 36 decrees East Approxitaately 180 feet to the North bank of ~ast Pearl Kiver; thence easterly along said River to viiere the E;at line of Center street intersects Bame; thence Korth 44 degrees Kast on the V.est side of Block "A" approximately 110 feet to the place uf beginning. Oontaini;.g approximately 1.8 acres. The above described '-/act being known as the Poitevant "Old mil Site.”
j	Sra. The following lots located in the Town of Gainesville, as per plat
; of said toivji fileu with the Chancery Cleric of Hancock County, Uics:
Lots 1,2,3 anu 4, Square "A", lots 6,7,6 und 9, Square "B",
Lots 12,13,36 and 37, Square ”C",
Lots 19,20, ill, 22, £7 aaid 20, Square "3",
Lots 23,24,26 and 26, Squaro "F"
And for tho came consideration and as part thereof I do hereby bargain, sell,
convey and assign onto the e: id Leonard K.liioholeon, any and all other lands which I,
might own in the said Claim no natter hov.' acquired.
It is my purpose to	convey	by tlie terms of the last	paragraph hereinabove,
i	all	the	lands in	said claim v.hioh I	have eaquiiea y in heritanoe irom my mo-.-hor, ir-
, ini., x-'	itevent,	I being Her	soljt-ar.d o;,ly and only heir, as	well aa all rights to
; any	l.nd in that	claim which	I have	inherited hy and tbrough	my adopted father, adol^h
Poitevant, I the ~ole and only heir of the said Adolph poitevant, the adiption
proceoainjt in these n.utters ha\in*, bee;, taken out in Lauderdale c-mruy, Eisalscip.;!
witness ay signature this the 24th day of l^rch, 1927.
Karl. w. poitevunt
■	SI :’K OF liISSISSIP.t’1
j HA..COO.'- COUh ..i
1‘e.aonally appe&rei. before ;.ie the unuereigned authority in ana foi the ; -foresuld Co'anty and State, -ai-1 Poitevunt, who acknowledged th;.t he signed und . tuliveui th-.. iniv^oing instrument on the day und year therein contionea.
•-.iven unuerrsy huna und s-tul of office thi a the &a;h uay _r 0h, 19:l’i.

Gainesville Giardino Report Property-note
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Hancock County Historical Society
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