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- ?fH I > p 1 ? ? ' , ? lilt ' . ' ' * ? * * i^;S^ A *<- /, ' ? < i2^Sri Mrs. Kugenc IVIoffabsafo, who this week was presented with an ary lifetime membership in the Bay-Waveland Garden Club. At the February meeting of the Bay-Waveland Garden Club, held at the A. E. Voight home, the group honored Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab with a life membership in the organization. The presentation of the honor-| ary membership was made in ap-preciation of Mrs. Mogabgab?s . years of outstanding services and efforts in the Bay-Waveland Gar-! den Club. ? Mrs. Mogabgab was a charter j member and first secretary of the j garden group. She was president 'in the years 1946 through ?48 and is a past president of the Gulf Coast j Council of Garden Clubs. Other achievements recognized during the presentation were Mrs. Mogabgab?s past chairmanship of the state garden center and the recognition given her as a nationally accredited flower show judge. ?- -s"1 if jrif jfay St- Louis, Miss., Friday, "Feb. 19,"n > *mday Afternoon, April 9, 1551 , Officers Installed Garden Council; honor-^ ^<)X gpCalier __l____.>tallation of officers and an entertaining program by Mrs. : Richard G. Cox featured the meet-! ing of the Coast Council of Garden I Club? at the Bay-Waveland Yacht. Club Friday afternoon. Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab, Bay St. Louis, retiring president, read a resume of the council?s activities during her two-year regime, one of the highlights being the Spring Pilgrimage last. year. After her report, awards for scrap books were made by Mrs. B. E. Berry, in the absence of Mrs. .lulius E. Wiggins, chairman of the scrap book committee. First place was won by the Bay-Waveland Club, j with Mrs. Edward M. Heath Sr. | chairman: second place, Irish Hill j Garden Club, Biloxi; and third, I Acacia Club. Mrs. George Stevenson, president of Bay-Waveland Garden Club, who presented Mrs. Mogabgab with a national certificate as i an accredited judge, making her the third accrcdited judge on the ? Coast. Mrs. Richard G. Cox, wife of the former president of Gulf Park Col-ege, as guest, speaker. She used 8 oy wheelbarrow containing sym-ols to illustrate her talk on gar-f?ns and gardeners. The Bible symbolized the faith .)? the gardener to have a successful garden; the trowel, the symbol to dig and spade the garden; a bottle of Hadacol, a tonic .for t.he gardener, showing that gardens also need a tonic; a large black j rosary with a cross, symbolizing j the cross gardeners must bear in disappointments as well as the hope of perseverance; a jar of sand, representing grit and stamina to produce a successful garden; bandaids, to stick t.o the job and see it. well done; a string of pearls representing purity and symbolizing purity of thinking among club members, free of guile, envy and jealousy toward each other; a dictionary representing the seek? ns knowledge !rs gardening, anfl an; anchor symbolizing a weight, firm and strong in the club's ideals and aims. After the program, large white candles were given to the incoming officers and smaller ones to the members. These were lighted ! and the officers were introduced | in the candlelight ceremony, after which the candles were held high and Mrs. Cox recited a prayer. The new officers are Mrs. Hyle Bittner, Acacia Garden Club, Biloxi, president; Mrs. Dorothy Dennis, Pass Christian, first, vice president; Mrs. Catherine McCall, Gulfport, recording secretary; Mrs. Buford P.. Berr.v, Biloxi, historian; Mrs. Erie Kirkpatrick, Bay St. Louis, parliamentarian: Mrs. IIv Wolfe, Biloxi, auditor. After the installation of officers,' Mrs. Bittner brought the meeting to a close. There was a fine representation of all the Coast Clubs. A tea followed with the Bay-Waveland Garden Club and the ' Blue Jeans Garden Club of Cler-i mont Harbor as co-hostesses, j The first prize, a centerpiece for the tea table, was won by Mrs. Mary Belle Beeman of Biloxi. Second prize, a banjo rubber plant, was won by Mrs. H. C. Glover, Bay St. Louis. Third and fourth prizes of flower pots were won by Mrs. H. T<. Wessnev of Clermont Harbor and Mrs. T. C. McCall, of Gulfport. A fifth prize, was a mock orange blossom plant and the sixth was an African violet. Prior to the meeting there was a luncheon for Mrs. Cox, attended by Mesdames Mogabgab, Stevenson, Harry Swift, Thos. Adams, lid ward M. Heath Sr. and ,1. W. Hill Jr. Mrs. Mogabgab presented j Mrs. Cox with a corsage of spring ( flowers. Mrs. Stevenson presented j Mrs. Mogabgab with a corsage ofj yellow jonquils. ! The presidents of the hostess clubs, Mrs. Stevenson of Bay-Waveland and Mrs. J. P. Rousseau, of Blue Jeans, each wore a corsage of jonquils. i
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