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Last night, -at 11 o?clock, I?. B. O'Brien, oho of the ? best-known men in the city,
, died at liU residence on Ksplanade avenue. His health has been bud for some time, but there wax no indication of a fatal termination pC bin lllne*s until yesterday ufteruocw. Ho was then compelled to take to hla bod. and after ti few hours? suflfcrlng passed away.
He was a native of Limeriek, Ireland, whera he was born In 1823. lu 182-1 bln parents removed with him to Canada. Mr. O?Brien's youth was passed on a farm .near the village of Ste. Sophie, twenty-five miJes north of Montreal. He was educated In the country publlo schools. In 1841 he obtalued, a position with a large commission and forwarding house tn Montreal, but left this employ it. 1845, and Caroc to New Orleans. He en tered the cotton business on his own nc counr, and continued lu the active troiisac jlou of?hls uffalrs until ISOfl. Ho then re 1 tlrod and wont to Kurope, where ho ic I malneil two years. In 1872 he made i j tour through the orient, returning bv waj of Fratiee, beintf absent altogether ovei ! two years. From that dot? it was his custom annually, jo go abroad In the J month of May, ?for. the summer. I?rior t*; that date he Irad made his residence to all inteuts and purposed abroad, returning to t'hl?i city every other year for a month or two. . . _____________.	?	..
Hm/tGiovs axij j?jdtjc ation al institutions GKT OVER $aOO,OOD.
The Calhollo I'iiJvernlty' nt Wnnli-ington Given ^IRO.OOO?CariHiml ?? <*if*Z>ou? (uul	CV1 e*te StftnJ-
fer KiiMtwlcU Ucmeiuberecl?Sev? >. erul Local Instlt utlonu EuUowed
The will of thcWute Patrick B. O?Brien, yesterday, admitted to probate in tho Civil restrict Cour?f contains numerous be quests t.Q Individuals and religious and oducfttlomil institutions. amouulluiC in oil to Homo $a00,000, To U?e CMb.Mlc Pnl-YOralty of America, iocatod at Washing; fou, I>. U.. 1^ left an apttfvegata M JtM,-000. Among the bequests* to Ihviduals Is tan 'aggregate of $70,000' left to the children'of Mr. Thomas Itlehnrdson, a prominent cotton press man aud member of tho Board of l?ollce Commissioners.
Tho will is dated in May, ISIXi, ond was mndo before Notary Public N. B. Trist. The bequests coutulneil therein are as fol- ' iow?;
Sadio if. Kiphflrdson $30,000, Corinne j K. Hlehnrdson $10,000, Mary Ada Itirh- ; ardsou $5i?00, ? Joanne Annie Itich-1 ardson $f>000, W. I?. Ulchardson $ij(AK), [ Ellse M. Richardson $5000, Ab*no U. FtlcU- ; ardsou $?000, F. Percy Itleharubou $5000, Mrs. Oulesto Stauffer Kastwkk $10,000, Carmelite Convent $1000, OutboHc Boys Orphan Asylum$1000. Camp Street Fe-uiule.OriJhun Asylum $1000, Little Sisters of the FOor <Prytimia street) $J(kXj,. Little Sisters of tho. I?oor (Johnson street) $KKR>, Uoiitay of Good Shepherd $5000, l'oydvas Asylum $1000, St.- Vlnre.ut Orphan Afcy-ium $1000, Newsbpys? Homo $HyO, Charity Hospital-,$2000?,Minnie Leonard.$3060, ^'Oora Leonard Ilarcor $5000, ? ISdward ?Leonard $1000, Frank Leonard $1000, Nicholas McG.ue $1000, Ellen Grady $8000, Jennie Orady $2000, Maggie Grady,Itowan L $3000, Frank P. Qjrdrtiv^COUO, John J. !X3rady $3000/Anna XL O?Briun $3000, Ful-' tou H. 0?Brle"n $100<?, Eiulle .1. O?Brien.
I Or., $1000, ^NVin. H. Staulfor $2000, Alice
To Archbishop .Junctions i?nd his sue-cesNoi*s iir cUrtrga of the CarboJb; diocese ?>f N*j\v Orleans far the purposi: of ed\t-catlni; and maintaining ??c?:b-.'s*;istlcal stu-udeuts for the pvh st.hood for tbo dioceso of I OHeans, ^20,UW;.	I
rtnt!wr i?ru(n*ii <m .. .............
? it's of Hu* university may ilOi-m ?ioslrablO, a>i followh:
One chair tn the name 1'. B. O?Bvio.n $??0,000, chair in ihc nauu* of John I'. O?Brleti S;V)f0?.?X one chair In th;> name of Ulchard 1*. O'Brien i?50,(XX).
To tlift Jesuit Fathers, corner of Ba-roone and (?ommou streets, for tho tmr-pose of founding and endowing two schp!' amblpy in any of their educational lustl* tutlonff $10,(K.K). 1'iu* request is inade thnt once a month, for two years and annually thereafter on the anniversary of hla death a low mass be said for the repose of his coul. One thousand dollars additional is given to tho Jesuit. Fathers which is to be uppllod to the car* of tho decei\s<KVft fomb. . Ateo thttt his body nnd lhat df hjs brother be burled in sold tomb, and no one olse thereafter.
To the Iter. II. (X Mlgnot, for hla Deaf and numb flch?>nl at Clunchnba. $I<>00.
T'> thr Hotel Pleu UoKpital, f^r the nm'pone of fomulin/t *?n?l endowtnfl: Ism* r>edn tfM* the sb U nii>l Incurable. jMWMO.
lie glve?' to his I0:>ih*?r; \l. M. O?Brien,
INo. 70* 12^p5unJidc etrcc-t.
T<? the fijtlier of the Church of th*' Snered T-Ienrt. T?>r sch*x>) purposes, $r>000-A!i the remainder of the property Is be iUK*athod to his brother, Ulchurd M. oT.iien, ivho named us executor without bond. ?'
Joseph C. Gilmore Is named as attorney and the will stipulates thar be shall iv ceive a fpe of *,V*/>o.
Palrlek B. t>'ilrien was one of the most unbfbp churneterf* in thin city. He lived tho Ilf*' of a bachelor during oil bis scv* enrv'-t)ireo -v^urs, a.s did h!s brother, who resided with Jilm In the home on Ls [d:inade ar^ntn'. >Cr. O?Brien was an im* po?lnp tl^ure physically, and his residcuoe was us unique, in .urramjement 4hd fur-j nlsjhlnu^ am the lire of Its owner. Years |. of welbplannfKt 1 ravels . bad resulted In collecting reMcs and specimens from all over tho world, which w<?re neatly labeled and arrnn???}l In tho O'l?rlen home, so that it pivsentod the uppoarance of a nnj^iun.
A few yearn n>:i> ratrlck 0?lirbu donated $?i!000 to the Church of the Sacred Hearr <?f Je-^ns. on t?-atinl sheei. nnd he not only bulk this handsome ediilce, lint maintained Jt, during hi** yvucti. There was never a deserving eharity that. Mr. O'Brien die! not assist, and ids home was always onen to his many friends.
Col. O'Brien was born In Mmerlck, Ire- ' land. March 17. isi^l. anil went to Can- 1 ada March 20, 1*20. Ho was oducated in ; the Canadian ^hools and. came to Now Orleans In IMl at; the n^e of tw^ntv years, lie dlod )?st I Vida v, Oct. 10, ?aud the tuners! was conducted the following Sunday by Aivblvtehop Janssens blmselrT

O'Brien, Hon. E. E O'Brien-Will
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