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. i??'? /e/a.y/ /<>-?uic/: 6fie itt. Z^te- yea-1 ^^Ole/ (^vze (^^J^ottdcmc/ ($ty/?/ j3&i<rtc/ec/ em ?14Z <//& ((^?ne . (2^'a -n c/l ec/ awe/ of/& C^Jl^tc//ze'yi.c/e->ice /-J^e (^?/nt/e</ -??/a./t<) oj^'d^meif-cu, S # /I fref'vlc t)/.et J OSEPH/HOLT, M. D., $>rcxirieiit ?}o uril of $}cnllli .?/(rf j?x-$flicio jjjltcotder of ?jirllis, gjenthi m(d JglurriiiQts, cji u>ic/ /o4, //^e cute/ L a^^tea I ec/. ? <u jL^/. y y^r-CsVi/i e^x, ....................., a native #/..... .. ............ / /7 </ . / sZrs idJuzMijf H*? /- J 6 $4' ..........- ..........tiwo neidmatcaziM, mat &?t. _____________________..................................................................^............................... i.<-i?? r <. -.................................................................................................... -...dap, a 4^- /kr^. _. .?,c4t^/M noma/ <^er-^ c/ .........................._ J tddue / a native - apea/^'* ^eaU, oeca^ia/wn ^Z*- s$~x^j?^'..............................................^ ? a native o/ jtL..., ajpe(/.... 4r.*?.............j/eate, SO?,U c/c vie tt/ (Z/f*'K? (?/i^a*tJ, *ii tit* / ?i?4e-ticf o/tf* ?Wi<.^ff%irt>i<U.i'f.........- fs*i U/^C M C..............................."?.... ^ ............?.... ?ivt&ieJJeJ, -nte le^ued/ec/de /c -/e, -tv^e Sia-ve /g+tu-nSc de/' ti?e<i Stanc/d, /c^e/^d -tvt ?me, fi^e* */**e 4eat/-ttta /lelcej/ /tte t/a-'tt, me-ntii ei->tc/ ?ij-eai wltf/e?t. / ///' i . I //w ^ /y p?sf*/7* ..;,?/y __ J^rctUient Board of Jftalth and Ex-Officio Recorder.
Seuzeneau 029