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TERESTIN :Y INCREASING ouis Chamber of ? < ce Backing Pro-ndustry for Co. eing held this week at n Agricultural college, course for adults. At hose in attendance are the following fundamen-ie same time are receiv-experience in the course, cteristics, the leading choosing a dairy breed lemands form the stand- ee, grassing and produc-n and care of the herd s which characterize a roblem of building your 1 maintaining it, feeding practical dairyman in-je crops and pastures, ?ment and common prob-lerdsman. Various lead->articular phase of work C. Smith, dairy specialist is Central R. R., are giv-! discussions on the work, ounty is well represented ing, those in attendance e, Sr., Luther L. Lee, r, Wiley Smith, J. F. Harris and the entire ag-iss of Sellers school num-ty students, Harry Hall, en, Walter Pearson, Theo-, R. J. Ladner, T. E. Kel-superintendent, who com-[ancock county Board of n the dairying business is eing increased throughout unty. The Bay St. Louis f, Commerce is sponsoring e composed of local dairy-?rs and members to drive He on December 14th, in present during pay day at plant which is the 15th of imber of Commerce i. us work and should receive co-operation of all interest-immediate saction. It ap-the dairy cow is going to salvation of South Missis-its ideal-like climate, and any one section entitled to ion as to the dairying busi-ne county is Hancock. N RE-OPENING R GULF COAST HOTEL AT BILOXI ration of Bilbo Opened Monday-ok Under New Management Bright. In Denmark and the Netherlands, the farmers govern the countrjj. That is to say, themen who till the s6il and produce the sustenance of life; regulate the prices at which thej^ shall sell the product and the goverrments jf those countries are in co-opt ?vith-H^hem. This is the sum and substance what Governor Theodore G. found to be the c?se after spending wo months in those countries Studying farming conditions, co-opejrative marketing and the government?s interest and share in fostering ; these things. 1 Denmark is a small country. | Holland is a small country. Yet Holland >..>day is supreme in the manufacture jf cheese for the world and Denmark is supreme in the making of butter (or the countries adjacent thereto, ihe stamp on Holland cheese arid the brand on Denmark butter repfestnt standards that are recognized as|trade labels and are accepted at theic face value wherever these goods are offered for sale in retail or wholesale quanities. Found Sy.t cm Developed. ?No other countries in the world,? said Governor Bilbo, ?have developed .he co-operative marketing system and the farming system as thorough-.y as the Netherlands and Denmark is especially supreme. On Thursdiav of -very week representatives of the farmers? association meet with representatives of the exporters, traders and jobbers in the great central city )f Copenhagen-, where they fix the prices that are to be paid the farmers for their produce for the coming week and these prices control the re-.ail market. j ?Every fanner knows and every xporter and buyer knows exactly vhat be is going to pay for butter and eggs and poultry and other farm >roduce. Dairy products are Standardized. There are fixed methods ^ind rules for making butter andjothcr dairy products. The milk must be up Lo standard and the methods for achieving standardization are understood. Under this system which also embraces a farm inspection system ind a government inspection, the larmer is allowed to use a brand, or this brand is stamped on his product oy the inspection- service. ?That stamp means a certain,! inva-iable guaranteed excellence of purity. In 30 years only one dairy man nas been caught trying to adulterate his product and that man was stopped from +he use of the brand and has n-sver been allowed to use it sinfce. ?Every dairy ttfrmer operajtes a poultry farm and a hog farni and ^hese are laistd chiefly on lhe| skim nilk from the dairy plant. The fer-i!i?/.- r is used (in the agricultural ? ? 'I -; " i> id ili/.i'd MAYOR G. Y. BLAIZE j MAKES STATEMENT* CYIX SIGNATURE Says Absent Voter?s Ballot Law Should Be Repealed ! ?Explains Position. , APhovgh. defeated in the race for mayor last Saturday, I feel as though I have gained a victory, because of the magnificent vote I received, for which 1 wish to thank one and all. I ran a clean race, with no money, no ? machine backing me. While my opponent had every available piece of political machinery working for him. Never in the history of Bay St. Louis has there been such dirty work done to defeat a candidate. Every absen-t vote I received was voted according to law, while on the other hand, applications and tickets were taken to New Orleans and absentees voted. Persons who were not ill, or not expected to leave town, were voted as absentees. I earnestly hope that the legislature will abolish this vote, as it/frrrs become corrupted. This same vi?(o defeated Mr. Giering several years ago. The city secretary is against me because the Board refused to give him $200 for re-copying the a-: n sim-nt 11, hhh is the clerks work, and for which he now receives ample salary of $150.00 per month. Same as commissioners of Gulfport and Biloxi received for eight yeari, However, with all the unlawful acts-committed against me, I hold no malice against any one. My administration has been- honest in every respect, and I proudly hold up my head. I hava lost the mayoralty, but I have proven by the vote I received that nearly half of the voters had confidence in me, despite the false rumors circulated, the gross injustice of holding back thq ad valorem tiix, by the county officials, to make it appear as though I had carelessly spent the city?s ftinds, and the well-planned scheme of fixing certain- aldermen to oppose everything I tried to do for the cjty in order to mifke it appear as though I.were fighting everybody. Yes, I fought and I would fight again and again, for your rights. You elected me, and I took an oath to do my duty, and I would fight Satan himself rather than violate my oath. I congratulate Mr. [Traub, and the machine upon- their victory. I bow to the will of the people, and will do everything I can to make his administration a success, because I have Bay St. Louis? interest at ?heart. I hope hat all the promises made by my opponent and the machine will materialize and that our city will continue in the pathway of impress 1 i.rf ir V?^v' fp/? .Ratchet ^ VkLal'2^ V i: i v?- 1 itii n.
Traub, Capt Charles 027