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trary to law The rights and powe be exercised by this cor :ribed a:id paid for A that may boratipn, in addition to the toregoinj:, are j those apter lOO, Code of Mississippi of 19110, and amendments thereto 8- Number ol| Shared cK each clais to be subs before the corp oration business. 100 shares of cbmmon s Wilfred L. Guerin T. Benton Ay a Jules E. Harris J, Hubert Ayo Harvey Peltiei, Jr. Milton J. Berqos, Incorporators. . : ACKNOWLEDGM|ENT STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF ORLEANS CITY OF NEW ORLEANS Tfais day personally appearejd be forq me, the urdersignei authority Wilfred L/Gueiin, T. E Jules E. Harris, J. Huber veyi Peltier, Jr., and Mil nosj inc(dirporators of the known as the Cle rmont H Corporation who acknow they signed and executec the iaboVj* corporay'on this the 28 foregoing articles of in as their act and deed on day of November, 1945. RUDOLPH W. WENIMAN Notary Public. My Commission expires may begin Lock. enton! Ayo, Ayo, Har-on J, Ber-corporation arbor' Hotel ledge<S, that at Death. Received at th; office of the Secretary jot State, his the 3rd d^y of December A. D. 1945, together-iwith the sum of $40.00 deposited to cover the recording fee, and referred ip the Attorney General for his opinibn. WALKER WOOD Secretary of State. Jackson, Miss., December 7th,; 1945 1 have examined this charter ot incorporation and am of the opinion th-at it is not violative of the;Con-
Clermont Harbor Guerin-(9)