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f-%*:	jr.,
i	929,4* Heatluain 8t« £<miis> MJaa*
8 U It T JUT C£R
For and in consideration of tne sum and amount of TF.Ji D-^RS ca?h to me in hand oaid	r-pci.‘”iarv
(:,-10.00} ,/and other food and valuable conmderat n
to be mentioned herein, the receint of whicn all ir hereby acknov.-
ledf.ed, I, MR!'1. CORA KTHE1 DAVIS, do hereby convey and vanv. uv-
to Mltr. JaCKIR OLLI" IE NT ON the follov.'i nr described 1^:1
in Hancock County, Misnssiopi. to-wit:
^tartinr >v"om a nine sot for the . outheast- corner	'	"''^r
ion of P-air, and Tnompson f.treets in the Toy.r, of I, n ne.s-“li” iianoock r„,:,.tv,	(«.
survey by Drake ». Chinan. C.c..);	^	'
.-Ion1’ the cant raarrin of I-«un . «•. ..i.	^
750 foot to a oipe set for the ;’athea&t corner	°.	ci.;V‘ ' ' ”
section of 'Inin and	i’earl "troetn;	thence .-or	_■ U	^
ya.-t alonp the east	marr.m o. .1	• t* -	•
f£,t to the center line of Union :;t.reer : th.rc* ..or;., ^ decrees '.Vest, .•Jo::/’ the center line 01 auon ' t eu-, .. of *75 feet to r.r.e center of tno intersection	mio	..n-.	-■..
tre«ce 'iort:: U' derroes Hast *lonr tno cu..fc-.
.;L rtcto* ^r'*-LL	m-*	fV.^t	r	n	-	•*	1	♦	OIi	t-,iO
of Arfbrofo f.treet	. Usance o,	; oet to «.	P^n on	-
center line of nau	anbrps* .*«>.*. Uiante.-o..-. ^	p
a .i-: of /*'./> feet, to a new^lvnrtiae-i ; old f'-ncc corner oast for ‘ t.e ^oi;,* 01 toe^j«n^u,	^	••••	^ • >•
r.; CiV-
L’	J'-MV-V;	,,	,	,	.	...... O, r.«-?»-!•► i-
ro^oiti	I*	t,h*?r.cvi	-or.*i k** •--*'/* -,t-° >■'
^;vnnco o.f 7V.1r'	:tjO	n	nov:	cor.^r	1)0;
•io'^r is th-'	corner	of	**	enc-or-'
re-.idwiee of • '-ora K.	_th«nCH	alonr_	U.-	i.;
vjer-L m.-trrir. of ■’
‘‘i ■<- for ‘'-e tv-’!■■*■
r».i>-:.’ct le
i.h 1 new id-*r of t;
,-i-i w.. ia;
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to '.n old Iror. ;v. o -’et to ; (h-scr'ior.ion; t:V’1	;
of •, very Id f-:v " - ;- -c• .'!
:	of	s-.-'	•■‘••
East a.l>:n~.	r‘,:
ol;r	nr’v*
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■•irsoR''lly a.ixaf'' i
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foi'of'oj’’, 1 ■ inrtr-.«'f _ !• • >r ..v:	:
,j d-.y --.f	-:r	••	•
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__________  -jy**-.1- l	—.

Gainesville Giardino Report Surveyor-(1)
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Hancock County Historical Society
All rights reserved