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D. Add j °t on * uo, n.y. ] nr> s
Tnit °d States Comna-a tive State Populations New Orleans ^th Largest City
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18^0 & i860 Colored and White
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	Whites.*						Free Colored.			
Btatx* AXD TlRRiroatE*.		0*.	Female*.		Total.		Hale*.		Femiles.	
	1850.	I860.	ISM.	I860.	1850.	1600.	ISM.	1800.	1850.	I860.
	29(1.745	816,530	285,063	810,422	681,818	620,952	72Q	659	630	603
	155.960	159,963	161,490	100,010	817,456	826,579	200	253	260	241
	159,059	153,415	• 158,744	155,974	813,402	814,8S0	875	. 871	848	833
	454,093	692,244	D01.85T	• 629,220	985,450	1.221,464	4,424	4,409	4,640	• 6,183
	70,840	82,302	78,585	88,866	148.875	170,058	1,783	1,881	1,082	2,121
Connecticut	t		179,884	221,858	188,215	229,662	863,099	451,520	8,620	4,186	8,878	.4,491
New York			1,544,489	1,910,354	1,503,836	1,921.876	8,043,825	8,881,730	28,452	23,173	25,617	25,827
New Jersey...		233.452	822,733	232,057	823,960	4G5,509	646,099	11,798	12,812	12,012	18,006
Pennsylvania		1,142,784	1,427,946	1,115,426	1,421,820	2,258,160	2,849,266	25,869	20,873	28,257	80,476
	85,740	45,940	85,423	• -44,049	71,169	90,589	9,035	9,889	9,038	9,940
	211,1 ST	256,839	206,756	259,079	417,943	616,918	85,192	89,746	89,581	44,196
District of Columbia.,	18,494	29,585	19,447	81,179	87,941	60,764	4.248	4,702	6,811	6.429
Virginia..;		451.300	52S,897	443,500	618,514	694,800	1,047,411	26,002	27,721	28,831	80,821
North Carolina		273.025	814,267	280.003	816,833	653,023	• 631,100	18.298	14,850	14,165	15.568
&outh Carolina		137.747	146,201	186,816	145.187	274.563	291,383	4,131	4.54S	4,829	6,866
Georda		266,283	801.0S3	255,339	290,505	621,572	691,588	1,875	1,669	1,556	1,681
Florida			25,705	41,129	-21,493	86,619	47,208	77,743	418	454	614	■ 478
Alabama.		219,488	270,271	207,031	256.160	426,514	526,431	1,056	1,254	1,209	' 1,480
J\n«i«lnnl		' i.M? 297	. 1 $6,275	139.431	167.626	P9.Y71R	ft5a on!	474	8«2	456	891
Louisiana		141,243	186.733	“	107,891	255,491	857,629	7,479	8,279	9.683	10,363
Texas		'84.809	228,797	69,165	192,497	154,034	421,294	211	181	186	174
Arkansas		65,874	171,501	76.815	152,690	162.1S9	824.191	814	72	294	72
Tennessee				832,235	422,810	874,G01	403,972	756,836	826,782	8.117	8.538	8,805	8,762
Kentucky		802,804	474,211	863.009	445,806	761.413	919,517	4,863	6,101	6,14S	6,533
Ohio		1,004.117	1,171,720	950,933	1,131,118	1,955,050	2,302,833	12,691	18,398	12,6SS	18,266
Michigan		208,465	891,127	186,606	851.187	895.071	742,814	1,431	8.567	1,152	8,232
Indiana		506,178	693,469	470.976	645,531	977,154	1,839.000	6,715	5,791	6,547	6,637
Illinois		445,544	898,952	400,490	605.371	816.034	1,704.323	2,777	8,809	2,659	8,819
	164.851	406,796	140.405	867,914	804,750	774,710	805	C53	270	613
	8.695	93,931	2,348	79.065	6,038	173,596	21	126	18	183
Iowa		100,837	8VJ.927	90,994	819,917	191,831	673,644	165	65*1	103	623
Missouri		812,987	563,144	279,017	600,365	692,004	1,063,509	1.3C1	1,097	1,257	1,875
	...»	53.892	...	47,637		106.579	«...	286		839
	84,703	270,510	6,927	105,898	91.G35	875,908	*7 2	2,827	90	1,259
Oregon		8,133	81,515	4,949	20,822	13.0S7	62,337	120	76	87	62
'Washington			8,420		8,144		11,564		20		4
	....	6,102	....	710		6.612	....	85	....	10
Utah	.		6,020	20,224	6,310	19,990	11,380	40.214	U	18	10	17
New Mexico....		81,725	49,046	29,800	44.8S5	61,525	93,431	i;	45	6	40
Colorado.		.. • •	82,654	....	1,577		84,231		87	....	9
Nebraska			16,719	....	12.040	....	28,759		85		82
Dakota		....	2,797	....	2,040	....	4,837	....	....		
Total		10,026.402	18.869.434	9,526,666	18,138,890	19,553,068	27.003.814	208.724	234,000	225,771	253.996
State* asd Territories.	Free Colored.		• * . Blare*.						.Aggregate.	
	Total.		Mal.a.		Female*.		Total.			
	1850.	I860.	1650.	1800.	1300.	18G0.	1850.	18G0.	1650.	IttO.
	1,356	1,827	....		....			....	683,169	628.279
	620	494	....	....	....	....	....	....	817,976	826,073
Vermont		718	709	....	....	....	....	....	....	814,120	• 815,098
	9.064	9,G02	....	....	- ....	....	....	....	994.514	1,231,066
	8,670	8,952	... •	•...	....		....	....	147,545	174,620
Connecticut		7,693	8,627		....	....	....	• •••	....	870,792	460,147
	49,069	49,005		• •••		....	....	....	8,097,894	8,850,735
	23,S10	25,318	96	6	140	12	236	18	489,555	672,085
Fen nsyl vania........	63,626	66,849	«...	....	•	....	....	....	2,311,786	2,906,115
Delaware		18,073	19,829	1.174	860	1,116	••938	2,290	• 1,798	91,532	112,216
	74,723	88.942	45,944	44,813	: 44,424	■ 42.876	90,36S	87,1 S9	6S3.034	; 687,049
District df Columbia..	10,059	11,181	1.422	1,212	: . 2,265	1,973	8,6S7	8,185	61,687	75,0S0
Virginia				54,833	6S,042	240,562	249,4S3	.281.966	241,862	472,52S	490,865	1,421,661	1,596,318
	27,463	80.463	144.581	. 166,469	.143,967	1«,590	288,548	831,059	869,039	992,622
	8,960	9,914	187,756	196,571	197,228	• 205,835	884,984	•' 402,406	668,507	703,703
	2,931	8,500	168,857	229,193	. 192,825	233,005	861,682	462,193	906,185	1,057,266
	932	932	19.S04	81,848	» 19,506	80.897	89,810	61,745	87,445	140,425
	2.265	2,690	171,804	217,766	171,040	217.814	842.844	485,030	771,623	■ 964,201
	930	773	154.674	219.301	154.626	217.330	809.873	436.631	fiOfi M>6	•••791.805f
	17,462	13,647	125,874	171,977	118,935	159,749	244,809	831,726	617,762	• 708,002
	897	855	2S.700	91,189	29,461	91,377	68,161	182,566	' ‘212,5?>2	604,215
	608	144	23.053	66,174	23,442	64.941	47,100	111.115	209,897	435,450
	6,422	7,800	118,780	136,870	120,679	189,849	239,459	275,719	1,002,717	1,109,801
	10,011	10,6£4	105,068	118,009	105,918	112,474	210,9S1	225,4S3	932,405	1,155,684
Ohio.				25,279	86,664		....	....	....	....	«...	1,930,329	2,339,502
Michigan		2,5S3	6,799		':....:	....	....	....	• ...'	897,654	749,113
Indiana		11,262	11,423		....	....	. .... .	....		• 988,416	1,350,423
•	* Including taxed Indians and Chines© os follows: Maine, 5; Vermont, 20; Massachusetts, 82: Rhode Island, 19; Connecticut, 16: New York, 140; Pennsylvania, 7; Virginia, 112; North Carolina, 1,153; South Carolina, 83; Georgia, 88; Florida,!; Alabama, 160; Mississippi. 2: Louisiana, 173; Texas, 403; Arkansas, 43; Tennessee, 60; Kontnckr, 83; OlHo, 80; Michigan, 2,515; Indiana, 290; Illinois, 32; Wisconsin, 1.017; Minnesota, 2.869; Iowa, 65; Missouri. 20; fcansaa, 160; California, 87,908 (including 23,140 Chinese); Oregon, 177; ’Washington, 426; Utah, 89; New Mexico, 10,507; Nebraska, 63: Dakota. 2.261; District of Columbia, 1: total, 60,469, of whom 87,329 were Indians and 28,140 Chinese, and 4£,078 males and 18,391 (7,219 of bota races in CallfornIa)15maTe6.	*

Mississippi General Document (028)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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