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I )^abgab to Judge Flower Shows ?Photo bv The Tinies-Picayune. MRS. LLOYD J. HUERKAMP Doublo winner. ?Winter Enchantment? Is Garden Clubs? Offering Mrs. Lloycl J. I-Iuerkamp was winner of two top places, the sweepstake and horticulture tricolor awards, in the dried material and camellia show of the Federated Council of Now Orleans Garden Clubs which dosed Friday afternaon. Held in the fiftli floor auditorium of Maison Blanche, 1he two-day show, ??Winter Enchantment,? featured artistic arrange-! ments, horticulture, entries by junior gardeners, and a display of poisonous plant pictures put on by Dr. Foster Martin of Tulane?s department of pharmaology. ! Mrs. T. H. Wilke won the tricolor ribbon in the arrangement division. A tricolor award represents what the judges consider the best blue ribbon entry in a division | and the sweepstake award is given to the person winning the greatest number of blue ribbons. Mrs. Huerkamp?s tricolor-winning specimen was a Glen 40 variety camellia. Arrangement judges included Mrs. Virgil Jackson Jr., Mrs. Conrad Meyer Jr., Mrs. A. J. Tomassi, MrSs. Charles Arthus, Mrs. C. Adrien Bodet and Mrs. Henry \V. Powell; horticulture, Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab, Mrs. Eugene Truax and Mrs. Louis J. Wyler. Other winners were: ARRANGEMENT DIVISION Class 1. niches by special Invitation: First, Mrs. Wilke, magic; second, Mrs. Helen Meyers. ? shadows; third, Mrs. George Nusloch. silence. Class 2. sculptured tnvstery: First, Mrs. P. A. Menard; second, Mrs. John S. Petty: third. Mrs. Clyde Griffith. Class 3, winter treasure: No first; second, Mrs. John Klees; third, Mrs. J. S. Barrios. Class 4, colors harmonizing wilh background: First. Mrs. George Fank; second. Mrs. K. M. Conn; third, Mrs. Harry Brown. Class 5. colors harmonizing with background: No first; second. Mrs. Joseph A. Ciolino; third. Mrs. Leonard R. Bulot. Class 6. winter idyl: First. Mrs. J. A. Greene; second. Mrs. A. J. Franz; third. Mrs. Frank Tortmase. Class 7, fresh material corsages: First. Mrs. J. F, Ferguson; second. Mrs. I.ouis G. Davis; third, Mrs. St. Marc J. Flottc. Class g. dry material corsages: First. Mrs. .1. M. Dunn: second, Mrs. Henry J. Paul: no third. HORTICULTURE DIVISION Class 1. Alba Plena: First. Mrs. Huer-kamp; .second. Mrs. George H, Tullis; third. Mrs. Claude J. Pumilia. Class 2.- Alba Superba: No firsl or third awards: second. Mrs. Paul Selley. Class 3, Adolph Audusson: First. Mrs. Cecil M. Sanders; second. Mrs. Sidney sacoia. ria. Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab will judge a spring flower show in Mobile this week end. She is the first person in Bay St. Louis to be rated an Accredited Amateur Judge by the National Council of Garden Clubs and is one of the first three persons on the Gulf Coast to earn the title. Mrs. Mogabgab achieved this distinction by taking many training courses over a period of years. The Mobile show, called ?The Panorama of Mobile? and sponsored by the Federated Garden Clubs of Mobile County, will be held at the Shrine Auditorium on April 14-15 in that I city. The horticultural classes alone to be judged number 51. Next on Mrs. Mogabgab?s schedule will be a similar show in Pensacola, Florida on the following weekend. Mrs. Mogabgab Addresses j Gulfport Garden Club j Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab was the ! guest speaker at a luncheon, given at 1 the Broadwater Beach Hotel, by the Four Seasons Garden Club of Gulfport, on Thursday, September 20. Mrs. Mogabgab?s subject was ?Garden Club Work?, on a state and national level. She started her talk with the forma-1 tion of the first garden club, in 1891, in Athens, Georgia and followed thru to the organization of a National Council and State Council of Garden Clubs j throughout the United States.
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