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FASHIONS ! On January 23. whan th* Senior*j end Junior* want to “Perk". many , very stunning outfit* were won. Not I only the girls, but el*o th* biy* looked sery nice. Here's a glimpte of what the fa-•hion conscious upper-classmen »t: teacher* arc wearing j Marcella Kingston had a pre.ty g-e»r. tuit with black accessories. j Hope Wilton wore a very love'y < freen *uit | Mr*. Hall looked very stunning in her j acqua bloute and brown jumper with ' matching jacket. Cecil McCaleb wnre a pretty ecqun j and brown drew with black acceworie* . Irma Joan Lee looked very nice in her black tailored *uit with gra* > ac-cei*orie*. j Mattie Rigg* on a stunting • black dre*a with a brig'it r-'d cot Inez King*ton looked vary pretty in her tailored grey *uit with blac'c a*-cesaorie*. Odell Saucier looked handsome in hit maroon corduroy jacket and a 1 maroon elip over sweater with light > grey pant*. Martin Nolo wore a vary giod-liok i ing grey, winter *uit. Joyce Devi* looked nice in her light j green tuit with dark green accessories and a white coat. [ Carolyn Callico wore a slate blue | Mtin dre** with the "new look pockets" with a kick pleat in front. Charlie Scianna looked stunning in | a grey sport jacket and brown pent* with a maroon neck tie. ‘ Myrtle Cook had on a very pretty blue, corduroy suit with black ecce*- , •one* Daun Sellier wore a very lovely black crepe and velvet dret* with the new wide collar and flare skirt. Christine Smitn looked nice in h green plaid skirt and green sweater* with gold accessories. John Vaughan looked handsome in hi* grey pent* and blue corduroy shirt. Alvah Ruhr lookeJ attractive in a grey suit with red and blue irin stripe: and a white *hirt wi:h a yellow neck tie Mr*. Broadu* looked very pretty in a brown and green tweed *uit with a white bloute and brown accettorie*. Joyce Creel wore a pretty grey tkiu and green bloute with brown acces-torie* Mill Floyd looked nice in her dark green suit with pink pearl* and blue JUNIOR CLASS Riding k-ft to ligiit: front row: Brtty il.'ii, 10 Irma Joan Lie. Thelma Rnuchnn Cecil McCuh:*, S’» Marcella Kinv.'lutt. Mrs. Bro*du«. sptnnuir St-iotui ri Donald Luxich. Cherrie Ann Gre^n. Myr.i Pet.’rson. B v Leon Smith. Hermun Pries. Third row: Hurl Jt»ltn*r Truman Schultz, Donald Williams, Le<> Moran. Join McArthur. J*.y»? Brown, Betiy Ann Oabourn, Margie Brown, rl»>y Fr rk-?, Lottie Mae McArthur, Genevieve Strong, v: Can Pawley, Louis Oliver. Manuel Maskew, hitj L? Ruth Daw*ey, Ann Kenmai, Alton Morel. .1, Dilly Clt-pp. Billy Rae Bennt-tl. Bobby Clapp. LaJner. Irving Prevott. Lnwrence Spence. Jimmy gpoRTer Margie Brown wore a blue satin dre** with black accessories. Shirley Frickie wore a black dre** with black accessories. Ann Kenmar looked very pretty in a black crepe dre*s with plaid trimmings and black accessaries. Carol Lynn Siren wore a gold tuit and white bloute and brown acce**orie*. WHAT'S IN A NAME Myrtle not waitre** Myrtle not owner Myrtle Cook Margie not red Mtrgie not green Margie Brown Bobby not yell Bobby not boo Bobby Clapp Genevive not weak Genevive not frail Genevive Strong Charlie no see Mary Charlie no *ee Jane Charlie Scianna Burt not Pete'* son Bun not Fred's son Burt Johnson Vernon not kitter Vernon not watcher Vernon Parker Jewel not talk Jewef *ay nothing Jewel WAS Toal Student not talk Student not write Student Prints Marlin not five-toe Martin nnt *i*-loe Mertin Noto i WHAT DO YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT BEING A JUNIOR? ! Billy Clapp—Almost a Senior Bobhy Clapp—AnotWr year of sport* | John Ladner—Getting out of school I next year. Donald Lu*ich—Graduation next yejt ! Johnny M<*Curdy—Johnny McCurdy Monvel Maskew—Me Leo Moran—Trying to find a pretty girl at Bay High Alton Morel—Graduation next year Herman Price—Nutlin’ much Truman Shultz—Margie Leon Smith—Getting a Senior ring next year ' Lawrence Spence—Getting out of schoo I Joyce Brown—One more year!*!! ^ Margie Brown—I like being a Junior J hut I'd rather be a Senior 1 Ruth Dawsey—Another year to play I ball j Shirley Fricke—Being able lo take commercial work Cheirte Ann Green—Everything Gertrude John*o*i — Wondering about typing Ann Kenmar—My first year with Mr*. Hall Marcella Kingston—Worrying if I'm going to pass typing Irma Joan Lee—Looking forward to Jr.-Sr. Prom and Senior vear Cecil McCaleb—Junior-Senior Prom Betty Ann Osbourn—Being ahle to play hall r«.ui One nmrc y<ur and ! WHAT'S YOJR HOBBY? Nan'i Webster define* '‘hobby”, as an »:«*rup3tu.1 or interest outside a per ♦on'* mam busine** or profession but «.V-1. •>« 4,- I»- •tnrli limn Some of the teacher* student*, and Junior* hav<» said what hobbies are: Miss Gahbett e-tjoy* photography as her hobby Mi** Parker has a hobby of collecting demitasse cup* and silver spoons; she already has twelve cups and si* spoon*. Mr. Broadus' hebby is raising a garden. In it he ha* very delicious fruit and vegetables and an abundance of ' flower*. j Mi** Floyd lia* a quiet hobby of 1 reading. One of her favorite book* is I the "Founlatnhead." | Mrs Broadu*’ hobby ;t anything con-I cerning music even though that wasn't I tier major subject in college. | Mrs. Dubuisson ha* a* her hobby \ makirg des*?rt* and crocheting. 1 Mrs. Mall 'ay* her hobby is her j eight year old girl. Lynne. Mr. Guillory, busy man, doesn't 1 nei>d hohbie*v???? J Annie Lou Ptrker collects State I pennants | Jeanne Peyton rrochet* doillie* and I bed spread*. [ MaHand Norris like* to draw picture* I of girl* and horse* ; Myrtle Bennett collect* small glasse*. Gayle Rester ollects stamp* from I other countries. | .lame* New*um is trying to make an up-t<-date automobile out of a '36 I Chevie. | Kenneth William* enjoy* playing a | steel guitar Seeinit the Senior* Myra Pet«-r«>n then--«mt Thelma KouoK graduate Genieve Strong -Hoi;»j} 4M0 In tak.* commercml work Oletheia Carpenter—The idea >*f getting out next year A PERM Me lose jm flew««d Him did me dirt Me aed Him were a flirt To you in lose Let I forbid LeM you he lined As I been did Darn him. Me hate hii M? hope l-im will dir-1 Him tell I him love Darn him, him lit*<J Don't it awful????/ Connie McAlpin answered with. Mu<l I tell you?" | Clara Pucheu'* hobby i* reading I She like* *uch h^ ks a* "Gone With J the Wind" dv**n’t care (or "Silas Mar- | Marx I,»ii Sn.ninn* hohhy is trying ■ lo impres* her Ifciv Hi rru*h. And last of all come the Juniors: 1 John Ladner li^e* lo look at all llie pretty girls . Margie Broun collects picture* of ! Buck Price enjoy* wolfing around. L»u rom e S|h-ikv hit* a habit mjre than m hubby of collecting pencil* from all the nirh in tl*e das* and in ;<!•«• I1.1II Ix'-i M ;ri:i enje.vs picking at "dago." i M.ircella Kingston'* hobby i* using ia lol «>f inmU'!"! Join The Red Cross Mule Train— Clippity-Clop up ihe hall Dear Heart* and Gsntle People— I've Got You Under My Skin— Kinda Crowded! Quicksilver— My Allowance Someday I'M Find You— Mr Keene (tracer of lost persons) The Mire I See of You— Short Hand I Don't Stand a Ghost of a Chance— Chemistry I'll Never Be the Same-After gym class I've No Beginner* Luck-Passed bookkeeping Just One More Chance— Ml be good Mr. Broadus Happy Times— Holidays Diamonds are a Girl's Bstt Friend— At the moment I'm friendle** JUNIOR POPULARITY CONTEST WINNERS Rigge*! Flirt— Johnny McCurdy. Betty Be*ancon Most Bashful— Genieve Str-mg. Dan Dawtey Best l-ooking— . John Ladner, Marcella King*lon Biggest Gum Chewer—- Burt Johnson. Gertrude Johnson Best Personality— John Ladner, Cherrie Ann Green Mo*t Undemanding— Shirley Fricke, Bobhy Clapp Mu*t Studious— Leon Smith. Ruth Dawsey Mn*t Talented— Billy Rae Bennett, Irma Joan Lee B.-*t Dre*t*d— Johnny McCurdy. Marcella Kingston Screwball— Myra Peterson. Johnny McCurdy Teacher's Pet— Jimmy McArthur Irma Joan Lee Best Sp>rt—> Bobby Clapp. Ruth Dawsey Ann Kenmar, Truman Sehultc HOW ARE YOUR DATE MANNERS? Dating i* lik? a—it come« easier if you know Ifte rules. And rule* differ according *: hs date-type — ■ingle, tiouhle cr crow I affair*. Here •rs a f?w pointer* o:» orrec: del? mnnrrrs a* tHV?n lr>m a late of the Ladi»s Home .lou na!. | On *ing*e dates: 03 take ten minute* out b.»fcr.' picirup tin' to think of six thing* to lai c a *odt e*pwially if Ihit is y-iur first date with t it girl j cr boy. Think about w'tat movie, what b>ok rnd w!»ich friend ha* loomed up a* important in your t fe If on-thr-*p,.t ranvemation lag*. the*e j ether topic* will pop up ju*t natjrally. 1 Don't mi** this rhonc? to realiy g»t to know your date. SsuikI him or her [ nut. b it on attiturls* on everything frsm bebop to b3*eb*1t, t! en on 1 future datji when yaj fKp OJt the** opinions your date will b; flatr- ed to ' ’Ink y>u r?member»d. On double date*: Da bj wilimg to 'chang? your own plan:. gracio:*ly if the other couple show* up with :i goo« idea. Have tugg’ttkins t>( your own, hut keep Ihsm suggestion* and not tel plan* until you find out what the three other dater* want to do. Don't pull a combination Danny Kaye-Betty Hutton act by trying to be the whole party hogging convereation, demanding attention and trying to make time with somebody other than your date. Remember it's a double date, and the fun should be split four ways. Crowd date*: Do treat your date to a little extra attention. If you're out where you two can be teen by the whole school crowd, your date ha* a certain amount of pride and dating reputation to maintain and you'll never be forgiven if you make like a casual acquaintance, rton’t go crowd crazy If you and the gang atop someplace for a hamburger and malt, or jutt gs out a* a group. The very fact that you arrive in numbsr* it going to attract attention, to don't turn up the juke box full blait, knock over sugar bowls or push table* together to seat the mob. How would it look in your diary if you had to write “... and then the manager threw u* all out?" My pet peeve on date habits it: Janet Sellier—talk about all his girl friends. Mittie Agnes Maskew—looking at a pretty girl while driving. Abbie McArthur—talks about everybody elte. Marion Nell Breland—he expects a good night kiss the first date. Marilyn Breland—getting the twin* mixed up at the boxing. Marlane Norris—acting big Connie McAlpin—to go off with some one elte at a dance or party. Ann Kenmar—Boys that brag too much. Martin Noto— girh who try to attract attention and make themselves obvious. John Furr—when you're on a date with a girl and she has to stop and talk to eswy boy she tees, even if *he hardly knows him. Bill Thoma*—when you offer a girl a choice of two places she's never seen and the replie* in a bored manner, “It really doesn't matter to me." Odelle Saucier—talk of their old boy friend* and how nice he wat—on your time and money and big mouth giggling. See gang, here are the thingt boy* and girli don't like *o try to avoid lhe*e anoying habits (Who knows, they might be talking about something YOU did ) Most Likely to Succeed— Alton Morel. Genieve Strong Moil Conceited— Truman Shultz. Irma Joan Lee Be*t Looking Couple— Truman Shultz, Margie Brown Giggle Bo*— Myra Peter*m. Johnny McCurdy Smallest— Donald Lu*ich, Marcella King*ton Largest— Barbara Lee, Billy Rae Bennett Biggeil Wolf— Herman Price Bi*ge*t Wolverine— Irma Joan Lee
Bay High The-Student-Prints-Feb-1950-(4)