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'*mCAN ANNUAL CYrr A'-DIA 1862" - B. Appl on & Co. N.Y. 1863 Confederate States as^to Population, Agriculture, Industry Compared 00027 CONFEDERATE STATES. 235 CONFEDERATE STATES, Tho Btnton tiiltcJ in tlie Southern Oohfodorocy nro Ain-lorna, Arkansas. Florldn, Georgln, Loulslnnn, ■VlMlmlppI, North Onrollnn, South Onrollnn, Tounossoc, Toxns, nnd Virginia. Tliolr population nnd resources, ns presontcd by tho ro-t irns of the census of 1800 nro importnnt con-k'-'lorfttions in the prosont strugglo to mnintnin « Pi'pnrntion from tho other States. Their I'Opulntiomvns as follows: ....... ^‘ornas............ ■ Florida......., r.^yrdft .......... !/*uUlnna.......... ^■■Lssiiint....... ^orib Carolina., ? 'ilh Carolina... Tennessee...,.,, T<xas.............. Virginia........... Total........... Tfalto. Free Colored. BIkto. 620,431 2,690 405,080 824,191 144 111,115 77,748 032 61.745 6P1.5SS 8,500 402,198 857,029 18,047 831,720 ^a.r»anm (PtOT A o CO -43663L . S3 i A>* 291,3S3 9,914 402.400 826,732 7,300 275,719 421.294 855 352.566 1,047,411 5S,05‘i 490,805 5,449,463 132,770 8,521,110 Tho ratio of increaso during the ten years dosing with 1860, was ns fol!6ws: Statu. Whit®. Free Col’d. . Slave. Aiibaraa 23.43 18.76 27.13 ^rknnsas 99.83 81.25 185.91 llurida 04.70 57.07 ^i-’oreia 13.42 19.41 21.10 l/»ilMana *. 89.93 6.78 85.50 ferS™::::::::::::: TTT7 UL51 TOT -4n.90 TXTo * »ath Carolina 6.13 10.65 4.53 Tennessee 9.24 13.67 15.14 Iwj 178.51 10.53 213.59 \ ..‘rinla ' 17.06 6.83 8.83 Statsk. Mule. Female. AlWuma 270,190 256,081 A'^nsas 171,477 152,666 Morida 41,128 86,619 <»<nrrh 801.066 290,484 I.'WiMana .. 1S9.643 - 167,803 y-«0.«]|iDl ...... , 1SR.273- 167,626 Carolina 813,670^ 816,272 ^uth Carolina •146,160 145,140 Ttnaessce 422,779 403,943 228,585 192,306 VstrinLi 528,842 518,457 Total 2,799.818 2.647,402 4i'.»uui> zuu,wu auuum ub ucuu^wu iui J -vI*JiIfition of western Virginia. The following is a statement of tho amount svl vnlue of certain articles produced in the i\>:ifodcmte States during the year ending 1, I860, and in all the States during the *imojH*riod; Tlfl InoN. BTATBl. Tuni of or* tnhiiil. Tnm of Jil| iron. Yiluii TcnilAMOO 63,220 1M1T (457,000 Virginia.,...,..,,,, 23,217 9,096 ysi,iTu 76,487 27,513 " (703.178 In the Unltefl 8latci 2,514,282 884,474 (10,487,790 Bxn ANI> OT1IK* IlOLLED IjlOl*. Btatxi Toaa. YkIuo. ^Vnnp^soo Virginia Total 1,007 CT5 6,024 17,870 (92,949 24,750 433,243 1,147,425 24,176 400,293 (1,748,371 22,248,79(1 . lltOM FOOTfDIKd. Alabama.............. Arkansas ........ Florida...;.......... Georgia.............. Louisiana............. Bftin.-:.:;:: South Carolina........ Tcnnessco............. Texas................. Virginia.............. Total............. (142,480 . 52.000 ' • 63,000 79.000 525,800 •w 6,001) 70,817 800,035 >■2,501,302 Aggregate in the United States for the Bamo period $28,540,G50. In tho cotton-growing States of Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, nnd Texas, tho increase of tlie Blave population is more rapid than that tlie white population. In Louisiana, which raises sugar and cotton, the increase is nearly in the Barae ratio as that of the white population. In Virginia and South Carolina the increase of the white population is in the most rapid ratio. In these two States such physical wises were in operation as might ultimately liave released the slaves.' • The white population of tho Confederate States, according to sex was, in 18G0, as follows: STATES. Copper. Lead, Tal««w Tom. Value. North Carolina Tennessee ; Virginia Total United States 2,000 2,379 1,500 (105,000 404,000 81,830 5,879 14,432 $540,830 3,310,516 $61,000 977,2S1 Statk*. Horses. Mules. Swlno. Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Louisiana. Mls?is5inpL, Korlh Carolina South Carolina Tennessee....* Texas Virginia Total..' United States 327,205 101,249 33,424 130,771 79,003 103,701 44.158 10,909 101,069 92,259 -^2.4?q 1,730,959 155.879 274,814 2,086,116 642.855 1.M4.09I, •aSftcifr 81,125 239,543 820.621 287,522 66,456 119,221 63,000 41,014 1,SS3,2!4 965,779 2,843,943 1,363,873 1,5S9,519 1,698,328 6,089.942 790,663 1,116,533 15,530,553 .82,497.811 Stat*«. Alabama........... Arkansas,..*.... Florida............ Georgia............ Louisians......... Mississippi y*.. ■ 2CorTb< jarolina., South Carolina.. Tennessee......... Texas.............. Virginia......... Total.......... United States... Working oxcd. Other cattle.' 92.495 70,944 7,797 74,437 61,003 ■* 22,029 104.495 172,24-3 4 97,SG2 856,645 2,163,154 452,64.1 8 IS,355 2S4.736 631,707 829,853 «• 820,209 . 403,574 2,733,267 615,696 6,927.280 14,599.325 Sheep. 869,061 202,674 29,953 ■ 512,618 380,f>55 640,149 . 233,509 . 773,317 783,618 1,042,946 5.013.059 22.431,428 * Milch cows arc not Included. mm !«1S '• t ’» .:j 'i I - -V .\S • -: 7a*2 %Mr- •$K 'S’ V; • r r* i;:v V* fv;::* T^ **y “V ffi: Ik? ^ ®pi li p
Mississippi General Document (029)