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045S8 ADVERTISEMENT tnEPAHED TO BgLL ADELBERT AMES HOUSE AT BAY LT. LOUIS September ? 1876 Letter from Mrs. Blanche Butler Ames at Lovell, Kass., to her husband, former Republican carpet-bagger Governor of Mississippi nov at his flour mill in Northfield, Kinn., September 21, I876 . ? Are you going to advertise the house at Bay St. Louis ? I have -written oneto bring the matter undsr your consideration. Here it is: "Winter residence in the South. For sale or rent. At Bay St. Louis. VJithin two hours and a half of New Orleans. The sea-side residence of Governor Ames of Mississippi. It is a new and pleasant house vith grounds and out buildings, and is vithin a fev rods of the water. Eay St. Louis is an old French town. Orange culture and fishing are the principle employment of the people. The climate is considered equal to that of Florida. Rent for six months ending Kay 1st ^300. Price ?6,000. For further particulars inquire of Paul Butler, Lowell Cartridge Co., Lowell, Kass." I?am enough in earnest to desire you to write the advertisement rightly and let me have it inserted in the Boston papers. Anyone reading it and seeing that it is your house will say "Veil he had some property in the state, if he vas a carpet bagger.1' (copied by M. James Stevens from "CHRONICLES OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: Family letters of Blanche Butler and Adelbert Ames ? married July 21, 1870. Compiled by Blanche Eutler Ames, 1935 Vol. II 1871+-1899. Privately printed 1957 Pages l+23-1+2l+) Sent. 27, 1876, Gen. Adelbert Ames agreed tD advertise with dropping of mention of himself in ad. He planned to advertise in Chicago, Kilwaukee, St. Louis and St. Paul.
Ames, Adelbert 029