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February 14,
^ir. Norman Ohronister Department of Archives & History P. o. Box 571 Jackson, r\*S 39205
At:	Historical	Marker
Battle of .Lake Borgne
Dear fV!r. Ohronister:
I apologise for not writing with regards to a proper placement site for the marker approved by your Department and. funding approved for Battle of Lake Borw.neiji which did take place in the Bay of St. jjouis in 1814*
.?jayor /ictor ^ranckiewiez Jr. has an interest in locating a place for the marker. .Ve understand it must be located for pedestrian traffic areas, rather than Highways, and on public property.
.ye have not had a confirmation of a lot, or possibly an easement for the marker.
1 under stand tiiat the funding may be transferred by your department for another use unless a site is established
iVould you please advi33 me as to the status of,.this at the presentttime.
Sincerely, virs. Margaret M. (Peggy) Sibbens
cc:	i-layor	Victor Pranckiewiea Jr.
City ;jall
Soutn Second Street Bay :t. -ouis, j',S 39520

Battle of 1814 1986
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Hancock County Historical Society
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