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^Untii the (Gulf. 1 he New court Muurc and Jjil. One of I he lii-'l buildings to attract the eye of the visitor to Bay St. Louis, or of the excursionists passing through there, is'the Crescent Hotel which is situated just ut the junction of I ho Kii?roa'l and l-Yont street 'I'll is structure is one of the largest hotels in this section, and is conducted by Capt. J. V. Toulme, it is but eit;ht minutes walk from the depot. Lapt. loulme says that heisable to accommodate one hundred people at his house and his spacious grounds coveivd with almost numberless beaul iful shade trees a (lord lacilities for uli sorts of games such us lawn tennis, croquot and the like, and I lie re. are numberless beautiful places to swing hammocks, in which the person seeking recicalion may while away the pleasant sunny hours and enjoy the balmy ? I he l.ud> *of the Gull? Catholic Church. Captain Toulme ha* one of the lineal artesian wells in ilie State on hi-, lawn, and the water is celebrated for its medicinal qualities. This water, which bubbles up through tin- pipe is as clear and sparkling as crystal. It was partaken ol by several members of our party witli benelicial results. Capt .1. V. Toulme is one of the best known and most respected gentlemen of this city and has served as major for one or more terms, ?riving {Treat satisfaction lo his supporters in his administration of alluirs The Captain has been a resident of the "Kay all his life He is the son of the 1 ue John li. Toulme who had the distinction of being the first merchant to establish himself in business at Hay St. Louis. He stal led in business in 1SI2 and through all llic troublesome times of the last war with Kngland ho conducted his enterprise 111 a successful manner. He amassed a fortune in the general mercantile business, and his method of conducting his allairs was (or a long lime, the inodol for the other business men who followed his example and settled at the ??May.'' I lib bon Ex-Mayor John V. Toulme is a ?'chip of the old block,?? and has al wa\s carried his enterprise lo a successful issue. Our Artist has made an excellent likeness of the jovial host of the Crescent, and alto a line picture of tho building and exton" sive grounds surrounding it. Thote who have never had the pood fortune to see the place may tret an idea of its appearance. Near the Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church is one of the prettiest little hotels on the coast, tho ?Cliflon House? which is now being run under the management of Miss M. C. Markey, a bright and intelligent Southern woman, who for many years was at the head of that ce'ebrated academy of learning, situated on Esplanade Avenue in the City of New Orleans, and known as the Markey 1?icard Institute. Miss Markey has devoted an ordinary life-time to the duties of the class-room and wishing to vary the monotony of her situation, which although pleasant and congenial in itself, was neverl hclcss tiresome and fatiguing on account of the manifold duties devolving upon her. she determined to dispose of her interest in the School anil enter a new field of adventure. Accordingly her brother, Mr. John I'. Markey, a prominent citi/en of New Orleans, purchased this piece of property at the ?'Hay'' and installed her as manager ol tin which she will no doubt lill to the credit of herself, and the satisfaction of all wlia may la ue up t Inii- i ? ? under her hospitable roof. The Clifton House is situated on the beach al Bay St. Louis, within a stom's throw of the '-n .iig bridge? and a few minutes walk' from the depot It contains 1-1 rooms in the main building besides other accommodations in out buildings, etc The architecture of the place, as maybe seen from the photograph which is herein reproduced, is of- that quaint old Creole style so noticablo in many portions of the ih-1i quarter of New Orleans and consists of a raised collage and attic, with large halls running through the ( ntire length of the building. The house stands about li fly feet back' from the beach road with a breeze of the Gulf. Capt. J. . TOUI. Ml:, i:*? M?> or Hu> St.* Proprietor Crescent Is*-- ? 'J* h'uV\ *<. *'% - ?Y" ?' 1 r?, ^ '? j Kt' w' The l:amou> Croccnt hotel.
Toulme 030