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Adam* Retained.
?Be it resolved and ordered that T. W. Adams be and is hereby appointed as Meat and Sanitary Inspector.?
Pe terson Is Clock Maintainer.
?Be it resolved and ordered that Sam Peterson be and is hereby appointed as Town Clock Maintainer.? Mr. Peterson succeeds G. E. Templet, retired from business.
Edward Jones, Stenographer. " ?Be it ordered by the Board of Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Bay St. Louis,that Edward Jones be and is hereby employed as stenographer of the City of Bay St. Louis at arid for the salary of $25.00 per month, to be payable monthly. His work to be such as directed by the Mayor and Councilmen.
Election Commissioner*. ?Dan-iel J. Ziegler, Alcine Saucier and E. J. Giering arc hereby appointed election commissioners for year.? City Ha* Professional Auditor. ?Wht'reas, the -City of Bay St. Louis is beginning a new form of government, to-wit/' The Commission Form of GovoTnment, having abolished the old Aldermanic Form, and, "\Yhcr.cas,/the finances of th? city has not bee? audited by an auditor for many yctars and it is necessary for a complete audit to be made for the city accounts for the past four years and, it being necessary also under the law to make quarterly, semiannually and annual audits which are to be published- as provided for by law, and,
?Whereas, Mr. James 0. Jones, is a competent auditor and is familiar wiih accounts of municipal corporations in the State of Mississippi, ?Therefore, be it resolved that Mr. James 0. ;Jones be and is hereby employed by the City of Bay St. -Louis for the purpose of making said audit; for the City of Bay St. Louis for four years previous to January 1st, 1928, and to file with this Board a complete audit of ?the accounts of the City of Bay St. Louis for said period and that ilr. James 0. Jones be and is here?jy further employed fot the?*purpose' 0f making quarterly, ?semi-annual and annual audits as required by law and his fee to be mutually agreed, being $300 ?per^ye^ywWc^,te.;io!;* elude the original fdur-y^M-audit atid yearly-
counts of -.the' City^l?(Bay!lStVj??p^is for the year 192,8
(.an; oi in- tne proper way.
?The Beach drive or front road is now being proteqted by a seawall constructed by the fload Protection Commission of Hancock county and this drive will be. hard-surfaced within a very short periodi of time. The city commissioners, expect to make the Beach drive on/of tfi3 most beautiful in the country, this being one of the main objects to which they expect to direct their energies. The city commission will \vork in harmony with ,he Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary club, the Board of Supervisors and ..he Road Protection Commission to uccomplish greater and bigger things contemplated for Bay St. Louis. The Gulf Coast is unquestionably a spot now in the eyes of the people of the United States and Bay St. Louis will through its city commission, do everything in its power to keep up to the progress that is now going forward so rapidly in this section of the State,? he said.	i
In mentioning further advantages of the city of Bay St. Louis Mayor Traub spoke of the excellent schools,
f.he modern waterworks system and the fine hard-surfaced highways;
He foresees for the Bay an active interest and integral part in the entire Coast development and isj optimistic for the coming year in his own-municipality.	'	!
lirvnw mm
Jaw. A#
Program Planned For ' ent Session?High Ti to Tumble. r
N. 0. States Press special:	!
Crystal Springs, Miss., Jan. | 2.? Friends of A. Palmer Lott are giving him a welcome upon his return from a several month?s sojourn in Europe. Mr. Lott is an ex-service mani and prominent in Legion affairs throughout the state. He was in-trustecj with a letter from the mayor of Bil<ocir-a former Frenchman, to the mayor of Paris. The ?Stars and Stripes,? published in the French capital , made complimentary reference to Mr. .Lott during his stay , in that-city. it. E. Lott, father of Palmer Lott ia a well-known realtor of' Crystal Sprinjs.?U >
____1_______~	:	v;. V* :	~
Deeds filed in^the chancery,clerk?s office ;of.^Harrison bounty.'between Christmas, arid New?Yearshavt.'q total
Mississippi?s Legislature is sion. Bailey is Speaker of the and Senator Casteel will presi th<> Senate until the inauguro Lieutenant Governor-Elect Adam, Pass Christian, orvJanu Bill No. 1, seeking the re the inheritance tax, was inti by A. A. Weille, Vicksburg, Mississippi House of Represen and referred to the ways and committee.
This was considered by i politicians the first move of th administration in the carrying Governor-Elect Theodore G. campaign statement that he f the repeal of this law^
Mrs. W. F. Marshall, incu was re-elected librarian- by a i 102 to 73. -
Issue3 expected to come bef< 1928 session of the legislate elude:
Building of a state printing for the publication of school which will be sold at cost.
Use of convict labor in the facture of bricks for paving highways.
Repeal of the state income ta Removal of University of 1 sippi, or individual departments Oxford to Jackson.
Sale of [governor?s mansion utilization!as a place for the d ment of archives and history, th ernor to occupy the home 'now pied by, the head of the state i hospital in North Jackson.
The state school book pr measure is considered Governor Bilbo?s ?pet? measure, which h would cause him ?to srrule on n er measure until it was adoptee
bjloxi.,; ^
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Biloxi News: Prof. J. A. bach, of Washington, D, C., is ing his friends ii>Biloxi?after a sence of ten yearsUv'^;-;;*5^fev;.:i:.
Prof. Henamersbach was.orgar. the Church of;-Nativity and,cor ed an . orchestra .'during:' his Ite?i residence in thisi'city./jrHe-has. /riends here who "are glad to'see
^?Whilfe t%%Mate?paritvf! .rT^ trylhksKbe en ^gripped-iii of coldvVeather.-sunshine :hks fli the^Mi^tipt^i^CoastlaUr Po8^bly.''C6laer^aii^|Dsa^yrtbQ
should " beckoh -the ^hmiHrpfl

Traub, Capt Charles 030
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Hancock County Historical Society
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