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-gr 00315 w 181U Arrac^ is pop.t^r bronze canto:? ?rctt'ctt:m pav ? iouir, and thrct.jh i:rro thf, bay 1861-1862 KHEN U.G. 2221 T.O:TDr^ THREATENED ATTACK LIFC III F.IGIIT F?T.T CF WATER C-'F PIERHIA^ 0-p JOHN TARTIN?S WHARF larch - 1370 Bay r,t. T.ouir "Gazette'1 of t'arch 19, I87O in T.o. T^iiy picayune Thursday, ? arch 1870 p 2 c 1 CURIOUS Hir.TORICAT. R^TIC Near the nierh','ad of John Vartin's '-?harf at nav "-t. T,ouis, lies, in about eight f^et of ?-vater, s bronze eighteen oounder cannon ? 0 that v?as mounted on the blu~f or^osite in 131*+ from one of the American gunboats that vere shortly c-ftervards captured by Admiral Cochran-' s bet flotilla. This gun vas throvn into the pea, vhere it lies nov, in 1661-(136? ?) during one of the alarms crcatod by the 1'. f>. New Tendon. the first Federal var steamer in there vaterr. This eun ousht to be raised as it if a curious historical relic, havin? been captured by the Americans from one of the old ^nelish three-deckers. O'. James r-tevens) (y.J.S, notes: Nev X ondonl a wooden rcrev steamer of 221 tons. 125 feet long, vith 71, armed vith 1 20 odr. Parrott Rifle crd U 32 pdrs. 57 cvt, It. Abner Read in command, arrived off ?-hip Island V:ov, 2, 1B61, capturing schooner in Sound ;:ov. 21, steamer ?ov. 22, steamer T?ov. 29, steamer Dec. 1, schooner and 2 slooos Dec. 9, schooner Pec. 23, and Eiloxi, Miss., December 31, 1861. Her first foray tovard Bay fit. Louis vould be in the enpagement at Pass Christian April *+-5, 1862. T'arch 1362, off Pars Christian fought 0. Ore non and Pamlico for one hour and fiftv minutes. Being a very active shin, it is possible the defenders at B?.y ,r.t. i,ouis mi?:ht have throvn the defensive gur. overboard but her required deoth vould have prevented entrance fcy the ship,)
Battle of 1814 Relic