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The first fatal case was Rebecca Necaise taken sick August iLfth and soon died. The disense snread all over the Bay and through the pine woods. A relief' committee was organired September 27th with Col. J. N. Putman, President Col. V,T. B. List, Vice President Cant. J. V. Toulme, Treasurer v.» ’J. Hoffman, Secretary Total Case?, r5’l+6 - Deaths 83 Date cf last death Nov. 3rd Total Contributions -.6, 76?. 85 Total Disbursement? '"’6,839.00 Tr the summer and fall of 1^7^ E terrible enidemic of Yellow J?ever rae^d through the South, the.C-ulf states of Alabama, Missis«'i'r'-ni and T ouisiana being the especial victims of its ravage?. In " ipsi^si^^i the5 followin'7 to*-nr v'rre visited by the scourge: Bay St. To’jis, Biloxi, Pas? Christian, Pearlington, etc. The number of deaths in the state exceeded 3>000. The enide^ic ,-’^? stayed by the heavy frost on the first d'-yof November. Twenty members of the State Medical Association had died of the fcver while administering to the sick. Four members of the State Board of Health died on the field of duty. In 1373 after the epidemic had been -nronounced innocuous Congress nrovided for an investigation of its origin, one of whom was Doctor S, Craft of Jackson, but such investigation did not yield much fruit.
Epidemics Yellow-Fever-Hancock-County-(2)