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Faith and a tale of three churches - Rising from Ruin - There?s not even a gutted sanctuary' over at Christ Episcopal Church. Just yards from the gulf shore, the church at 912 S. Beach Blvd. was in the direct path of surging Katrina, covered by 35 feet of water at the height of the storm. Only the bell tower and a sparse scattering of rubble across the parking lot remained. But the church never stopped holding Sunday services on the site and has since erected a tent there to offer a little relief from the sun. A letter to parishioners from senior warden Scott Bagley on the church?s Web site happily divulges that Christ Episcopal, between rectors when Katrina hit, has learned that Mississippi native Elizabeth Wheatley will accept the ministry. Other pages on the site, updated ?every day? by vestry clerk Kimberly King, contain news of members, offers of help, plans to rebuild. And rebuilding is just a given, the alternative never discussed, a tenet of that same faith that pulses in everyone here. Back at First Missionary Baptist, where they are as likely to hug a stranger in their midst as they are to look at him, that faith springs forth in gospel harmony from the swaying, clapping choir as Brother Stefan King warms up the congregation for Sunday services: ?I?m looking for a miracle, I expect the impossible, I feel the intangible, I see the invisible ...? | Main page] | Next port -?| planners plan while citizens stew a EMAIL THIS p 9 COMMENTS Christians seem to be interesting people, they don't see themselves as someone waiting for help, they seem to act to life instead of letting life act on them, hats off to them... best wishes ray duthie.fairbanks. alaska (Sent Oct 28,2005 6:54:16 PM) I FELT VERY HUMBLED WHEN I READ THIS ARTICLE. OUT OF TRADGEDY AND DESTRUCTION IPS NICE TO READ ABOUT FAITH AND HOPE AND THE LOVE AND STRENGTH TO REACH OUT TO OTHERS. I USUALLY DO NOT COMMENT ON ARTICLES. I PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE STILL HURTING AND GIVE THANKS TO ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE GONE ABOVE AND BEYOND HUMAN CAPABILITIES TO HELP OTHERS. I STILL BELIVE IN "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" CONNIE MISZKIEL SPOKANE WASHINGTON (Sent Oct 28,2005 7:06:55 PM) Faith knows no boundaries and neither does Jesus. I'm glad to hear that my Southern brothers and sisters haven't abandoned God in this time of crisis! My own denomination suffered buidling damage in Ol' Miss, and we've sent money and people down to assist - not just church people, but every-day people too. Need plays no favorites. Stephanie I mbro. Standish. ME (Sent Oct 28,2005 10:01:39 PM) Our prayers are with you. How inspiring that you are using positive vibes to expand Gods word from a tragedy Restoration of all our lives is the only solution J Smith nottingham England (Sent Oct 29, 2005 3:38:49 AM) These storms cleared away many buildings that protected us and a great many walls that separated us. God's speed in rebuilding what's good, and in carting away the debris of what never should have been. Katrina's legacy may be a better world with less "stuff" and more sharing. Well done! Bob Scott, Independence Ohio (Sent Oct 29,2005 10:54:40 PM) "No amount of darkness can hide a spark of light". May we all remember to be thankful for each day and choose to be bring hope and love to one another. Bless the victims for their strength! You are an example to us all about the need and power of prayer! D. Eaton. Hillsboro. Oregon (Sent Nov 3, 2005 7:22:41 PM) Hats off to the Rev Jenkins. Opening the doors of his church to other faiths and challenging people to help others is love in action. Too bad some are allowing their denominational label to act as a barrier. His positive influence among those affected by Katrina will bring results and change lives. K. Tosto. Hookerton. NC (Sent Nov 4, 2005 3:50:31 AM) THERE IS SO MUCH DIVISION IN CHURCH TODAY. THE IDEA OF BRINGING ALL DENONMINATIONS TO ONE CHURCH TO WORSHIP IS A GREAT IDEA. AFTER ALL,WE ARE ALL PART OF ONE BODY, THE BODY OF CHRIST. E. WILLIS. NAt'VOO. AL (Sent Nov 5, 2005 11:21:37 AM) I am from Louisiana and have helped over 40 families from New Orleans to the Mississippi ! am writing because I have met a Mormon woman from Waveland who needs a little help.She could use food and toilitries,is there any way you can help her or send me in the right direction?Thank you! Cherie Laborde,Gonzales.Louisiana (Sent Jun 7, 2006 7:20:55 PM) SEND A COMMENT PLEASE READ: All comments must be approved before appearing in the thread; time and space constraints prevent all comments from appearing. We
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