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his (s) TCorian Demoruelle marf^ (s) Jfte (DemorueCle (?) Victor (Benit Witnesses JC (Baudin Jaquins Orey Succession of Jacques (DemorueCC and No. Marie Trmoantin wife ofjacquest Second<District Court <DemorueCCe (Parish of Orleans To the JCon. The judge of the 2d (District Court The petition of Victor (DemorueCCe, the oldest son of the said deceased, the said petitioner residing in said parish with respects represents: That his mother and father, heretofore residing in this parish, died intestate, the first on the llift day ofNovem6er 1874 and the second on the I#* day of (Decem6er, 1875, having thefoCCowing descendants, all of age: ?Your petitioner, (?Laune. ?) Jfypolyte; TCorian; (Ernest; Joseph and Josephine (Demoruelle and also a large Succession consisiting of various properties, rights, claims and credit that there are deSts due e? owing to 6y the said succession, and that it is necessary that an administrator should 6e appointed to adminster and settle the said succession; That as the oldest child of the said deceased that he is entitled to 6e appointed to that ofice, in preference of all other (x), and now mafias applicationfor said appointment. Tie further (x) (x) that it is necessary to have made an Inventory of the property etc. of the said succession. Wherefore petitioner prays, that due notice 6e given of his application for the

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