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November 9.1907 Sea Coast Echo, page 4, column 5. Petition for Liquor License for John Bangard..located on Keller Ave and Railroad Ave in Bay St Louis and known as the “Gilmore House”. Among the petitioners:.. ..Albert Heitzmann....George Heitzmann....Eddie Heitzmann....George Rodolph....James Heitzmann(should this be Jacob??).... March 14,1908 Sea Coast Echo, page 4, column 3. Meeting of City Fathers.(Mayor and Aldermen) The following bills were allowed and order paid: ... Albert Heitzmann, 830 bis. Shells at 4c...$33.20...... ....Geo. Heitzmann, 15 days special police, $1.50...$22.50.... April 11.1908 Sea Coast Echo, page 4, column 3. Meeting of Mayor and Aldermen. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: ... Albert Heitzman, 33 bbls at 4c...$1.32.... November 21.1908 Sea Coast Echo, page 1, column 2. Proceedings Board of Mayor and Aldermen. ...The following bills were allowed and ordered paid:.... ...Eddie Heitzmann, labor, 2 days at $1.50, $3.00.... ....Albert Heitzmann, labor, 2 days at $1.50, $3.00.... January 2,1909 Sea Coast Echo, page 4, column 2. Mayor G.G. Gardebled, who in private life is a builder and contractor, was agreeably surprised Christmas eve night at the family home, comer of Toulme and State streets. His employees had purchased for his office at home a handsome and comfortable desk chair of the reclining and revolving type. Mr. Gardebled was taken by complete surprise and his silence on the moment was more eloquent and expressive than words could have conveyed. The names on the card accompanying the gift were: Anthony Thiery, W. Carver, Sidney Gaspard, Frank Taconi, Edw. Heitzmann, Albert Heitzmann, Charles Hillen, T. Raboteau. One of the men said to The Echo: “Mr Gardebled has been mighty good to us. At all times considerate in our behalf, he has ever been the workingman’s friend, and our present is only a slight token of the high esteem and regard in which we hold him.” January 16.1909 Sea Coast Echo, page 1, column 5. Crawford-Heitzmann Pretty Home Wedding Monday Afternoon—The Bride of This City and the Groom of New Orleans. A pretty home wedding was celebrated on Monday afternoon at the home of our townspeople, Mr. And Mrs. Jacob Heitzmann, when their eldest daughter, Miss Lillian, was given away in marriage to Mr. Edward Crawford, a former summer resident of this city, but now engaged in business pursuits at New Orleans. Rev. Father J.M. Prendergast, pastor of the Church of Our Lady of the Gulf, officiated. The wedding march was rendered by Miss Olivia Engman. The bride was becomingly attired in a wine-colored traveling suit, with hat and gloves to match. The bridesmaid, a sister of the bride, was beautifully gowned in white silk, with Mr. Dan Crawford, brother of the groom as best man. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Crawford left for New Orleans where they will reside in the future. At noon Mr. and Mrs. Heitzmann served an elegant dinner, the decorations being maiden hair fern and natural roses. Among the guests present were: Mayor and Mrs. G.G. Gardebled, Misses Erin and May Crawford, Messrs. Sam and Dan Crawford, A.B. Crawford, J.H. Blakemore, Mack McKloskey, Miss F. Capton, Mr. and Mrs. George Heitzmann and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heitzmann, Misses Olivia and Mariam Engman, Mr. M. Higgins and family, Messrs. Wm. J. Gallup, Joseph Pravata. The esteem and popularity in which the couple are held was amply exemplified by the many and handsome gifts that were presented. April 3,1909 Echo, page 1, column 4. Also 4/10/09 pi c4. List of Delinquent Poll Tax Payers for Year 1908....Supv. Dist. 5, City of Bay St Louis.... ... Albert Heitzman....
Heitzmann Albert Joseph Heitzmann 1882-1955 - 04