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Dr. Louis Georges Roger de Montluzin [Louis Georges Roger Viallier de Montluzin du Sauzay] July 19, 1863-January 16, 1914 Obituary, New Orleans Daily Picayune, Sat., Jan. 17, 1914, p. 2: ora ST. LOUIS Prominent Physician and Surgeon, Surgeon General on Foster?s Staff, Passes Away at Coast Home. i'i-. Uofier De Montluzin. for many >? ..!?? a leading physician and surgeon ? if this city, whose acquaintance was ? ?in.- *>r the widest of any roan of hla ? Mini who wu.h lu'lnvod by all who Uni-w lilrn. passed into eternity at # ii?rl-irk la*t niKht at the De Montluzin r:-*l<lcneo in Hay St. Louis. Miss., where DR ROGER DID MONTLUZIN, Who- Died at Bay 8t. Louis. h* had resided for the past nln? years v. iili hl? brother*, Alfred J. and Hene Do Montluzin. In hi* death a great Ions was sustained, and his family has thv sympathy of his many frlenda. Keing a high Maeon and alw&ya taking it deep interest In the fraternity, Dr. ^)>e Montluzin will be burled with ull nf Its honors Monday morning at U o'clock at Bay St. Loula. Dr. De Montluzin was a prominent figure In Bay St. Louis. He was paralyzed and had made It a practice to roll about In his chair on the beach nnd In' other sections of the thriving gulf resort, lie was up on every subject, and could dlacuss the topics of the i'ay with an Intimate knowledge that mado hie company eagerly sought, lie Had n wonderful talent for telling '?lories anil incidents, and as he knew rvcrybody of any Importance that viewed tho summer resort he never nnnipfl for company. It un>< his custom to he on the beach when the trains wont' to the city and ram.- fmm It. and all of his fronds wnvtid mi hloi a? the coaches went by. In. !??? Montluzin made a reputation ln-rf a* n surgeon and physician, and llns went* with him to Bay St. Louis. H.- iirnctlrert medicine at the latter nht.-e tin 111 a short tjme before his ?luin Im was obliged to give up of illness. 1 l?A waH surgeon general on the mlii-iai>\Htarr of Governor Murphy J. Foster. Vilh the rank of major. This trlb-uii< ?:Km^ to him an a mark of appre-?-1111 Ion Pn?/hla skill. He served with diMiimtlon. He was vice president of the Merrhantif' l?anU and was formerly nn-shleni of the Board of Health of Mav St. 1?ouls, Mias. .Hr. I.'e Montluzin was born in St. James Parish, l*a., forty-aeven years ago. He attended Tulane University, wnero he graduated from the medloal rollege and then went to Paris to complete hie studies and take speotal oourses In surgery. From the very beginning of hla career as a doctor he showed that he waa destined to be a particularly suocessful surgeon, and these early predictions were brought to full fruition, as he epjoyed a lucrative practice until stricken with paralysis and was obliged to leave the city to seek rest and lighter work. He went to Bay 8t. Louis, where hla brothers conduot a pharmacy on the beach front, facing the Pickwick Hotel. while here Dr. De Montluzin waa a member of the Pickwick, Boston and other exclusive clubs and Carnival organisations, always taking a leading fart in them. His fellow-members at he time joined with many other friends in expressing regret that disease made It necessary for him to leave. Dr. De Montluzin waa as gifted with the pen as he was with the surgeon's knife, and he wrote many splendid medical papers for Journals in this country and Europe, which alao won for him much distinction. The news of his death will be learned with genuine regret here aa well as elsewhere. He Is survived by hla brothers, a slater, Mrs. A. M. Benedlc; two nleoes, Mrs. C. A.. Sporl, of New Orleans, and Mrs. A. L. Whitney, of New York; Colonel R. E, De Montluzin. a nephew, a well-known local real estate man. Besides there are many other relatives. His sister, Mrs. Jennie De* lappe. died recently. [Note reversal of his brother Joseph Alfred?s first and middle names in parag. 1, line 10; note misspelling of Jeanne de Lappe as ?Jennie Delappe? in last parag., lines 10-11; corrections supplied by Emily Lorraine de Montluzin, Feb. 2007.]
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