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Union Camp
Growing in more ways than one.
Union Camp is well known as a tree-growing company. In fact, we plant four seedlings for every tree we use to provide paper, packaging, building products and chpmicals.
But we're a growing company in many other ways. The latest example is a 250 million dollar program to expand our Montgomery. Alabama mill. It is a well planned expansion of a facility designed with emphasis on energy conservation, proper water use and maximum pollution abatement.
At Union Camp, we believe in the fullest utilization of all our resources. Not only for better products, but for a better life.
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Pottery Tells Story of Little Known Tribe
expanded year by year. To assure maximum protection. Louisiana has designated the villages at Angola Farm and Trudeau as State Archaeological Landmarks. Negotiations are underway to purchase the Tunica Treasure and the Trudeau site so scientific research can continue to lead towards new understanding. In the not too distant future, visitors may be able to relive an exciting segment of Southern history at the Trudeau State Commemorative Area and to see firsthand in modern museum exhibits some truly outstanding relics from the past.
Louisiana?s Tunica program is in response to increasing public awareness of the enjoyment and education that the past can provide if properly illuminated and interpreted. Growing concern about the environment and overall quality of life also has produced, over the last few years, the first effective legislation aimed at historic preservation.
The Southeast, with its incredible abundance and diversity of archaeological sites, is certain to play a leading role in the discovery, appreciation and management of man?s irreplaceable cultural resources.D
P.O. Box 326
Montgomery, Alabama 36101
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Tomb Adds to Knowledge of Louisiana Indians
What?s your view? cn
Reactions of our readers to articles published in ENVIRO-SOUTH or their viewpoints on any facet of today?s environmental concerns are solicited for publication. Address your correspondence to ENVIROSOUTH, P. O. Box 17111, Montgomery, Alabama 36117. Please restrict your views to 300 words.
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