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56 r a* Jna Brumfield m- Stanley Boyd b. Hubert Brumfield m- Hoy to Ryals, had daus Patsy Brumfield c. Dorothy Brumfield m- Robert Bracey, livos New Orleans, ha a dauJ Diane Draco; d* _ Brumfield m- W. D. Hannon, livoo Da ton Roqgo IU11 Alford live* San Diego, California, was roared by Dolla and Robert Brumfield. 2. Samuel Nathaniel Alford, b-Aug. 29, 1005. d-July 1961, lived Log Cabin Community, a Maoon, member Magees Creek, m- April 1900, colobrated their 50th wedding anniversary in April 1950# m- Hattie Magoo, dau. of Haverson and Sarah Ellr.oy Maj?ee, had 10 cht a. Vernon J. Alford, b-Feb. 21, 1909, d-Mar. 31, 1916 b. Louise Alford, m- Byron Bacot, Enon, had 1 clu 1. Lampton Bacot m- Frances Tanner c. Infant daughter died 1913 d. Milan Alford m- John Carroll Mageo, pago 56, 3 ch:Carolyn, Sammie Kay, John Carroll, Jr. e. Christine Alford, m- Orady Alexander, live Enon, 3 cht 1. Orady Alexander, Jr., m-> Aug. 1961 2. Chriatolle Alexander 3. Ann Alexander f. Emmett Alford, liveo Salem Community, rocoivod Chamber of Commerce award for Forestry Achievement in 1963, leader, m- Louise Conerly, 2 ch; 1. Earl Alford 2. Dotty Jean Alford g. Infant son died 1921 h. Farrol Alford, m~ Mildred Lowery, has 5 cht 1. Farrol Alford, Jr.,arrled lives Talladega,Ala. son Dwayne b-Dec.12,1962 2. Jack Alford 3* Chriatolle Alford 4. Noll Alford, m- Alton Ryan, Tylertown, has son Gregory Ryan. 5. Billie Alford i. Harold Alford. Baton Rouge, La. m- Helen Roevos, lias 4 cht 1. Joyce Alford 2. Johnnie Alford 3* Jinunie Alford 4. Judy Alford J, Samuel Alford, m- Madron Harvey, dau. of Hoy Harvey, 1 ch: Vernon Alford. 3. Edgar Clifton Alford, b-ca 1B87, still living in 1962 at Bogalusa, La. married aoven timos. (!) Bortha Dearden, 1 son; (2) Marv Blanche, 3 ch; (3)(J0 Johnl* White, 2 ch; (5) Luotta Bullock;(6)Hadgoi>olh; (7) Nova Hol^ood Foil Ryals,p.2? a. Alcus Alford, m~ Maydee Magoo, ch: Maisio and Bonnie Joan Alford b. Ancll Alford killed in WWII Sarah Brumfield, dau* of Joaso and Tearl Magee Brumfield. Sarah m- (2) J. W. Daughtry. c. Francos Alford n* Duddy Harmon, 2 ch: Jack and Jill d. Dill Alford married and has a son and daughter e. Maxine Alford f. Kathleen Alford married twice and has children 4. Benjamin Franklin Alford, b-May 16, 1091* d-May 23? 1959, leaving a wifo, 2 efc 3 brothoro, and 1 sinter, m- (l) Altetta Smith, (2) Mrs. Ollie S. Hogan Walker. a. Stillborn b. B. F. Alford, Jr. Magnolia, Miss, m- Mins Simmons, dau. of Wobb, daut Angela Ann Alford b-Aug. 25, 1959 c. Imogeno Alford lives Mesa, Okla. 5. John Mescal "Hess" Alford, b-May 0, 1097. d-Mar. 25, 1962, son of Jasper arid Lucy Collins Alford, left wife, son Earl, bro. Edgar, burled MAgees Creek* 57 m- RU>ol Thornhill . Ilia obituary was carried in Tylertown Times, a. Earl Alford, livea Natchez, Miss* 6. Dflwoy Hobson Alford, b-Oct. 25, 1900, d-Jan. 23? 1953, flon of Jaspor and Lucy, burled Momorlal Park, Morldlan, m- Florence Johnson, 2 cht a. Vonclle Alford, m- L. J. Strong, lives Columbus, has daut Cindy Strong. b. Willie Y. Alford, married a girl from Meridian, now liveo in Texas. ^RIIASTIAN AI.F0HD, non of Evelina Olnn and William Alford, b-ca 1030, known as "Bass" and Informants recall that ho operated a watch repair shop in McComb, m- (l) Rosalene D. Williams, b- Jan. 14, 1047, had 2 ch. m- (2) Mrs. Stayra Leonard nrumflold, and nho had two sons by a formor marriage. a. John Eden Alford, m- Anna Brock, and had 9 children: 1. Curtlo Alford m- Fleet Estofls a. Hold Estess, n-CO Rettin Owens (2) Annie Laurio Barkley 1. Emon Estean , m- Mary Reovos 2. Sara Lloyd Estess 3. Hold Estess, Jr., m- (1) Billie Hogan (2) Jo Ann Hamons, has oh. 4. Patrlola Ann Estess. 2. louetta "Lula" Alford m- A. Jeff Knyl>orn, Tylertown 3. Alma Alford 9- (l) Clarence Johnson (2) Obed S. Sawyer, b-Aug. 1006, d-Feb. 1955. lived at Kokomo. a. Luther Johnson, m- Elma Pittman, pht Jerry, J.W., Kathy, Jan, Elisabeth* b. Aria Johnson, twin, died young c. Avis, twin, lives Bogalusa, n- Norman Wilson, cht Wayne, Martha, and Kartha Ann Wilson d. Hilton Johnson, lives California, m- Nannio White, has children, e* Johnnie Lou Sawyer, James K. Hayborn, cht J.H. flay born, Jr., Gary, TimotKx, Diana Kay Raybrtrn f. Excel Sawyor, killed Doc. 17, 1959. age 20, m- Chriatolle Andrews, granddaughter of Felix Andrews, had 1 dau: Debora Joyce Sawyer, g. Wanr.a Sawyer, livos New Orleans. 4. WiHiAm Dort Alford, m- Janie Brock, had a son, W. D. Alford, Jr. live Walkers Bridg 0. Brnwster Alford, m ? Vera Potts a. Bruce Alford Jr. m- (1) Annie Laura Magee (2) Ruby Ball, children* Linda Sim, Lynn. Van, and EvoJyn Alford b. Anna Merle Alfcrd, m- Cecil Alexander had a dau. c. Wnndel Alford d. Bill Alford 6. Clara Alford, m? Jam??3 E. Wilson, Bogalusa, La. a. Charlene Wllaon, n* Clinton Temple b. Jamen Wosloy Wllaon, m- Imno Cothorn 7. James Znnlphon Alford, b-Fnb. 12, 1090, d-Nov. 17, 19&2, son of John Eden and Anna Brock Alford, loft wife, 4 childron, 3 oistors, 3 brothers, 8 grandchildren, buriod Contorvjilo. m- Beulah Rosalee Owons. a. James Hewitt Alford, Tylortown, b. Catherine Alford, m-- Johnnie Mock, now In Alaska c. Audrey May Alford m Glen Dyken, son of Henry Pearl Dykos, Magnolia, 3 ch! Michael, Keith, and Drjbblo Dykes d. Mary Francos Alford, m- _________ Finch, Now Orleans, La. Alvin Alford m- (1) Myrtle Holmos, (2) Ruth Duncan a. Anna Joe Alford, m- Alvin Joseph Royer, 1 son: Alvin Jr. b. George Alford Clifton Alford, m- Thelma Brock, has 3 cht a. Doris Alford m J. T. Victory, had daut Theresa b. Bobby Noll Alford c. John Wosley Alford M. ).
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