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-.ugwic iviugaogao jn,iected President Of Coast Council Of Garden Clubs At Biloxi ibgab Attends c Mississippi Thursday-Friday, Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab was elected president and Mrs. IS. P. Kirkpatrick recording secretary of the Gulf Coast Council of Garden Clubs at a meeting held in Biloxi on Friday, April 1. Other officers elected were: Mrs. S. B. Mcllwain, Pascagoula, first vice president; Mrs. Louise Curtis, Biloxi, second vice president; Mi's. Vittson Smith, Long Beach, third vice president; Mrs. George Young, Ocean Springs, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. W. McAllister, Pascagoula, I treasurer; Mrs. T. H. Shapard, Long I Beach, parliamentarian. The retiring officers welcomed the incoming officers and Mrs. Mogabgab accepted the responsibility of the presidency and asked for complete cooperation I from all clubs and members. Mrs. ' Tom Adams retiring president, was given a rising vote of thanks for her untiring efforts in having seen the club through its first two years of organization. Mr. J. J. Curran, president of the Beach Garden Club, the hostess club for the meeting, introduced Dr. Emma I Gay who was in charge of the pro-! gram for the afternoon. Dr. Gay presented Mrs. Ruth de Gamboa, instructor of French and Spanish at Gulf Park College. Mrs. Gamboa, j who spoke on ?Mexico?its Women j and Gardens,? was dressed in complete Spanish costume and spoke fluently of the old but always new country. The speaker described the woman, their daily work from dawn to dark LMass Meeting In Interest Of Seawall Legislation Held Sunday Senator Cornelius Ladner Offers Asssislance- Bili As Requested -Introduces Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab, President of the Bay-Wavelanu Garden Club called <a mass meeting on last Sunday afternoon at the Courthouse relative to aid for the reconstruction of the Sea Wall and Beach Hoad. So overwhelming was the response that Mrs. Mogabgab asked the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club to cooperate with h6r organization, and Howard W. LeTissiei, President of the Chamber of Commerc'c and Octave W. Delphi President of the Rtotary Club acted as Co-Chairmen. In a bill presented to the Legislature to allow counties bordering on the Gulf of Mexico to issue bonds, to repair Ihcir seawall, and who were to receive aid from the federal government, the name of Hancock County was omitted from the bill, and only Jackson and Harrison Counties were to be given authority to issue the bonds, to match certain federal funds. The object of the meeting was to ask Slate Senator Cornelius J. Ladner, to support the Bill and to have the name of Hancock County placed in the bill. Mr. Ladner was present at the meeting and promised his aid. On Wednesday Mr Ladner intro-dced a similar bill in the Senate, which will give the County the right to issue bonds in the event it can secure federal aid. Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab, State rarden Center chairman for Missis- . -------------- ippi Garden Clubs, attended the i ness, including the siesta period. She ?tate Convention of Mississippi Gar- said that careers are rare among en Clubs held at Greenville and Mexican women. She spoke of the :elancl on Thursday and Friday of ea.riy marriages of the women and ast week. Mrs. George Stevenson said that the convent was usually vas an official delegate from the their life if they did not marry. The 5ay-Waveland Garden Club but due ,llfe of the richer women is as easy o illness was unable to attend. ?? as thG of the other class is Mrs. Mogabgab reports a very sat- j hard. Mrs. De Gamboa also spoke sfactory two days and is most en-( thc giant trees of the floating gar-husiastic about the beauty of the dGr>s of Xochimilco which were con-wo cities where the 300 delegates! structed by the Indians before Cor-so lavishly entertained. ^ez- J? conclusion she sang three vvo vere mitncmitu. - '-v'.iuo.uii am: sailg tniCe session was held Spanish songs: ?Peregrina,? Palmin; e the eroun was: ?TeQuiero Dijiste.? Greber; ?Sibo- The fiirst day?s ________________ _____ it Greenville where the group was /?TeQuiero Dijiste, iney,? Lecyona. Members of the Beach Garden So LADNER TO BACK HANCOCK?S PLANS: i (Special to The Times-Picayune) Bay St. Louis, Miss., March 14 ?State Sen. Cornelius Ladner to-|day promised to support Hancock county citizens in their efforts to secure funds for Gulf coast sea wall repairs. At a meeting in the county courthouse here ?today, taxpayers said that a bill presented to the state Legislature proposed that Harrison and Jackson counties be given authority to issue bonds to match federal funds for seawall and beach road repairs. They objected to the fact that Hancock county was not named in the bill. Tied by ?Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab. president of the Bay-Waveland Garden Club, the group announc orl i + e* ' ' shown over t e ci > W,!mmrahle J-wiernoers ot the Beach Garden So-?iotous with Geraniums c ?orn.g piety, served refreshments in a set- to those of S?11 err* , ting of flowers, crystal and silver, i garden Club, the group announc Those and the e i ^Entrance prizes of potted plants, cut: ied its plans to seek to have Han- Eoxgloves &ave tee ci j howers and garden tools wre present-I |cock county either included in the ^Th^e delegates were entertained ioM* Mr, Irma Shaeard, Mr, W. * j Tv/r-f Pee> Mis. Beeman, Mrs. Mildiedi Icould participate in the plans for Larson, Mrs. Max Kohler, Mrs. G. B I nwai? ---- flagg, Mrs. A. W. McAllister Mrs S. Hoke, and Mrs. H. L. Swift. luncheon in private homes, Mrs. Mogabgab being the guest of Mrs. Frank England, past State president of Mississippi Garden Club Inc. They were also entertained at the home of Mrs. E. Taylor at an outdoor supper. j The Saturday session was held in [ Leland where the visitors wgre1 greeted with another burst of beauty. The Paul Scarlet Rose which we know here as a climbing rose, was: growing' profusely around the creek bank. They were the dwarfed species and Mrs. Mogabgab though a grower of flowers herself said she' had never seen more beauty than in this town. At Leland the guests were treated to light ni,orning refreshments and then went for a tour of the city, i They were guests at a barbecued, chicken luncheon at the home of Mi's. T. H. Robs, state bulletin edi-i tor. i Thg Bay-Waveland club made the honor roll and its scrap book and pil-! grimage pictures were on display| and received creditable comment. Belzoni wen the ?5 award offered by Mrs. Mogabgab for the most interesting .report on Garden Centers. Mys. Leonard Maubray, state pres-, ident of Mississippi Garden Clubs, Incorporated,1 presided at' alp sessions. i !iepairs .to t^e area- damaged in ithe September 19 hurricane , Co-operation of the Hancock county Chamber of Commerce and >.the local Rotary Club was asked iby Mrs. Mogabgab. The group at. tile meeting asserted it'could se-jcure a sufficient number of qualified voters to petition for an election when it became necessary to ivote locally on the beach repair fund proposal. Gulf Coast Garden Clubs, Inc., Elect f Spuria I If* The Tirnes-Pinayunr) Ray S1. Louis, Miss.. ,\pri! 2? Mrs. Kiigpne Mogahsah nf Ray St. ! Louis was circled president of flic jGnlf f'oasl Council nf Garden i Clubs. Inc.. al (hr April mpCljng held al. Ihe Rilnxj mmmnnily cm ter. Airs. Mognbgah is a charier inpinhpi- and a pasi president of !he Bay-VYqvpland Garden Chib. She is also slate chairman of garden centers for Mississippi garden j clubs and is an accredited flower j show judge. j Mrs. E. P. Kirkpatrick was elected recording secretary. The council embraces all garden clubs from Pascagoula to Bay-Waveland-inclusive.
Mogabgab 031