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? ' : ? "? T 'i 4% i [>Vo- Ou Moa?&y uvenin#^ 0 oV-c*, at t.hV" Hotel I. i,u,uvt:ev. Si.-ilor ^O?-Biien, in lliri oi her rffte, ;ui,l -,-oLh 0E'h?p p.-!i?' fesMOU. fc TI). fu?jir:J.4 wVU J.e.-ive tli-5 XIIpf-tl. Dil.Mi to,-? I'MI?lit'.v ub niu? fi'ctoa!; f*!.- tft.N Mary's ('titliuili-al, wI.. i ? i anUiini K?ifUi?iii M.v,-, w,!I l.a ,-l,.mUd J...- | |,c |?, ?oin. .11)U .,,ul,|,i: ;ll.u IU,?L 1riu-ritoil to .'iHtiil.l iv.tlio-it fur-.iier notice. // 'J 3#? <? ?? ^ ? ??V? i. ? ? -? ?. f.~>-? _ "* O?BRIBIi?At Baj St. Unit, Tueaday, ?A??. fi, 1901, at 7 p. m.. MRS. JOHN O'BRIEN (bora Exuelle I* 8er?), la h*r ?igbt^-?lxtb t*xt. Funeral will taka plact from St. Tber**?i t Cburob Thli Wftdneaday at 11 a. m. Her trttzrU ?od fboc? of tb# family ara lnytted to Inrennoot private. DIED. 5 CAVAXAVGH.? On We-lnc^'ar, P*fT :2, K 1VJ4, at SJtOO o'clock p. m.. Mary Cavar-~ *... R e&'i sixty-two yoars, a nativf of County I*-:.?. I Ireland. and a resident of tliis city fv-r .is* jj pas: 40 years. y A . ? rl ?? ?f I ^Gentleman' of Old Sehoo. WeU; Kllown in ^;c^ant Busmess ail'd Literary, ' ^way-?h \ I V Circles: tf Here ?' Since . 1855. ??'?'??? 'i'1 C?- .' .;..-------~---- "V.. ' ? : v ".fty!-'.. Mr. R. M. O'Brien, w RAVAN AGH?This Scmd&y moruln*, 12. 1W3. at 1:45 o'clock. CATHKItlNB KATa-NiGH, am>d 8<-T*nty-etght yeara, a oatlrv ot * Londonderry, Ireland. a cptto^w.r- -chant nnd dubman^Ko for many year# I waa.?ne nfrthe indst promlnetitftirtiiimsnii (r *iS?i *' N?u' ??OMispInuiwte ,avenue ' JQ New Orleans h v.^ , -hnvlD* ^mc vbcre froii^ his: Iilrthphiec lit St. Sophie,*JCariadn, .to en.; tptt0n V'^ry business' ivlth' i? hrot.hci-,. P. B. O?Brien'.. He was born fn.Canada Oct>^11, 18S3,?*:bttt rarely Want' 15 ? hi* bgule- .ttf?-'b*oiih(|-o BuSfoNMlv fl'1 .-ottcu .man purf.^ a-?hott,:tfnie too# posnmlon- af^he^Vd^acWoo'wbleb 'l)fa 04??*,r aV???bcri.9^year#. With bl* cotton prp?H l)ualuo?? h^ al?o engaged' i?i- ?potcotton <"?J made ? l?re? fortune .In these com blued endcnv-' ??r*.-..4a be continued to apia?g wealth be? Wcame ? a .lnrg^ itockliolder In'Vhe' New Orteanrj Gaa, Light. Company, of jvbloh be wr?? vlr-e president;for1 a long tlrae, j>nd ?n* Iilwo Viet, itroKlden* pt. the New Oi- )e?n? (,:ity RallronilVOoiapBpf. * M??* ?!>?? ntro ho relired rrom' b.mlnctm, ond led tt oluhman' and,patron of uiuale; and.,.tbp nrtii. iie Jwn?t c^^l,1e>Bs^ltno'n?li members of the Boston Club,; and ulso frequented? tbe Chens, Checker*.'and AV?hlst Club.1 ij|? wa* a llfeloVic memlier of tlie I'Vonoh Opino- .AssoclDtlon., amj nqyer JtulHsad a perforiMinro <if: rtie. orb,*.!. Hi' ,nl,0 'too,, BI\4interest ln,fnlvlc ^affairs, but O&vcr entered politic*. Mr. ..O'Urlcn ? w?^ 4 -aclieloi- nnd- <eft ? number of nl?ceii unrr nephews. They are- Mm. St. Don. ? ^.M^vntrvl !, MJltenberR.r, , U? .May Ellac Atlue; ltl.-lvirdspii,.. ?\villinni I1, and T Percy. nicli.irdsou, Emile & O'llclon Rob! ^rt il.'O?Rrlon, I(>ultoii O'Drlen and MW fiu)ol-(ii win .t?j&; place.this afleruoon at,.4. o?clock from the' residence, 701 Enplnnade aveuqe, with ?ei^-lces at thel^puJs^cathedrali vrhe R-&$*4uuifS- vjfcPf.aa-r.':wir^-,MX. widely Known ii Kew Orleans *bs a successful and cultured gentleman-of the old school, patroi r.of art and a gonial club man, died at his home, 70?1 TSsplanado avenue, at 10:JK -o?clock Salurduy night, after nn illnc;.s.> of o little over a weelc, oauaed by a :?.K??neral decline in health following an ^attack of grippe two ytvears ago.- Hin f . death waa noC{ unexpected, and he was i;..surrounded by members of hie family ?^.svhou tho ond uamo. Ho had never mar-s ried^ an,d^his closets, relatives in Now !K,\Orlenhs,wqre? niec*s.ahd n^pheys, all of f >5Viiom are well?known people. few .O'Urlcn oj)hle,.,TerrQ wan rrobonne where. .Wila . hovn a native of St. 'Connty, Canada Octobcr 11. isart. ilo came to ned O BH1EJC?At Vlewinount, No. S46 ?Sher* brooke street, on Vridny. 29th. of May. I the Honourable Jaynes O'Bricu, !n hi3 S7th year. Funeral on Monday, J-iue 1. j ( at 9 a.m.. from hi* late residence; to ; St. Patrick's Church, thenco to Cote des ,Nw Or. ,r r.ICli.Uiri^OX?Slumlay. Ayril li. * k4 5 C?clcok U? COH-A ?>. O lV i *1 bi... a. a iiiUivo a*. 4 5*5 __ . ? V_'*? 'JHT ^ *il;e mutii-?U will l?:^ce Jroui 14 u .rrrfp: rl To-i/iy, 1 '*r5 I arc ?J JJo >\"as 77 ,year? of, age. ______ ______ . .vNow'OrWans ilrst in 1861,. and -rqturne* )AiTi'sitic^ whlnh y^ar he ha? ro ^.pMed Iicfo^1?continuously.' F6r many i.^yea)*s-<he^ was engaged, iu the cotton' >^on?prea?, ljuaincfi?;. from which, after c^^limaKsi-ing.'o. ?>? conniflerable fortune, lie ?"'.re.tii'ed' about * twenfy-fivo years ajsro. wu'ji also at, one time vice president t-VjOf. tlm New Oi-loaiiH Gas Company, be? ) forp ? It, waB sold to tho New Orleans ?;vftaUway Company, nnd vice president t .-of the* Now Orloann City Itailway Com-? i'pany,* when th?t corporation wjw tukcn v?-ovar by tho pceseni. stroet ruihvay com-v/panjv .? Mr. 04nrlen^s tastes wero distinctly ^llttrary, -he- hieing well known for his ; '."ejftonstve < Teudlng and knowledge of r" hiHtory* Hd. was Also a patron of opera, having beens ooo of the firat ? members i''?iq? tho 1?Ycnch :Opera Association and as regular attendant nl tho opera ^through alt the yeart: of his life. He / Was a member of the Boston, the Chess, ; ^hookers und .\Vhi?t and the St. John * Itowing Club#, ?und was for many years i& member' of. .severe 1 Carnival organ iza-tionn. TI? wa.y of a genial perwonality of*a'wido circlo, his lator years of the society of frlertiiH and. in travel, -^t his clubs he t/Wns especially popular, ? &V n'l'ho surviving relatives of Mr. O?Brien - are his nioces. Mrs. II. Penis Viller*?, . >Irs. Wilfred l*> iviiltenborgur, Mrs. Al * .X^d F. Pago- hud Misses May, Ellae*. .uhd A11 Itichardson, of Noav Orleans, i and MiSs >Anna O?Urien, of Bay St.! J^ouIr, Miss., and his nephews, Messrs. William P. and P^rcy Richardson, R. M. O?Hrion. Kmllo J; O?nrien, Jr., and Ful-. ton O?Brien, of Bay Bt. Louiu. ! . , The fuperaj . \vlil take place atv4, , ?; o?clook Surwluy afternoon from his laid ... residence. Thoro W'iil bo services at the ? ?. >Stv Louis Cathedral. Vicar General La-i.Vv^valld,.'assisted by Father Scotti, chan-^uVr^H c^llor.of the diooese/.-and 1'ather O^Shan-ahau of the, Jesuit-.Ohurch. will ofnciatn; ? Xho pall borers .will bov Messrs. St. VJlJere,/ Willjiani Millenbergeiv j Wrtu ?>**. Hichardson, Percy TUcbardson, nobort and Fulton O?liri^ii and Alfred F. : . .tionn. TI* wu.s of a ge >l/und eidoyed the esteem J ?; ;of fi?icncls. Ho spent ri^in tho quiet enjoyment c
O'Brien, Hon. E. E R.-M.-O'Brien-Dies-at-his-home-1884