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??3? X* CITY COMMISSIONERS WITH MAYOR TAKE OATH, ASSUME OFFICE Work of Various Departments Allotted to Mayor and Commissioners?City Employs Auditor For Full Term?Other Appointments. rnptnin- CharlcR Traub aa mayor and S. ,J. I.adnor a~d F. II. Egloff, cnrnniissirnc-rs, recently elected to be first commissioners of the city of Bay St. Louis und'T now form of government, w<re duly sworn- in on the first of the year and took their respective offices. Aft"r a conference the administration nf the city and its work was divided and allocated as follows: Mayor Traub in charge of streets, police denartnvnt, fire* department, >?it y hall and school house premises. Ferdinand II.. Egloff collector of taxes water rent and license monies, colli ctcr of all monies. Sylvan- J. Ladner city clerk and in charge- of th?* waterworks department and sanitary work. The first act was to abolish the office of waterworks maintainer and ti- create that of water foreman, to which Albert Monti, plumber, residing hi St. Charles street, was given the position* ,and according to tht* official resolution, as follows: ?Whereas, the position of waterworks maintainer has been abolished and the position of waterworks foreman be and is hereby created an-d the said position of waterworks foreman being vacant and it being necessary to make an immediate appointmen the! t lui t, be it ?"Ri solved thjit Albert Monti /be a-u-d is hervby appointed waterworks1 foreman at and for the. sum and ary of $110.00 per month, payat) monthly.? MAYOR TRAUB IN INTERVIEW GIVES VIEWS FOR YEAR Mayor Charles Traub, of Bay St. Louis, has given the press the following interview, which is constructive and of interest: ?It is the aim of the commissioners to make Bay St. Louis a city of national reputation- for its hospitality and beauty and to do those things which will cause home seekers to stop in Bay St. Louis. Thei city is growing by leaps and bounds and in the next two or thre-e years some of the greatest improvements are to be completed. ?The city of Bay Sc. Louis is beginning its new commission form of government January 2. and the commissioners have in mi.n<i the preparation of the highways of the city of Bay St. Louis, including the Beafch drive to take care of the great number of visitors we expect in Bay St. Louis this winter and summer. Being the nearest Coast city to New Orlean-s the people of that city will naturally come 'TRrough Bay St. Louis before goinj^ to the ot I i parts of the Cuast, and the bridge across the Bay of St. Louis which will be completed in the next ten or fifteen.days will bringjmany visitors to our city,, all of whom will taken care of in- the proper way. ^ OFHfnSr. KLKCTKl. rhomas L. Bailey Gets Cov e^?d Distinction and Influence?Hard Fight. CASTEEL OF MADISON PRES. PRO TEM. SENATI Bailey?s Election Is Anti Bilbo?Gov. Opposes In Statement to Press. Organization of the Mississipp legislature was completed shortlj after both houses convened,1 Tuesday Thomas L. Bailey, of Lauderdale county, won the hotly contestec speakership of the House, while Howard H. Casteel, of Madison, was elected president pro tempore of the Senate. Immediately after electing their presiding officers both houses adjourned. For the speakership of the House, Mr. Bailey received 82 votes, as com-parrd with the 53 cast for Hugh Barr Miller, of Copiah county, on- the first ballot., These two were the only ones left1 in the race, the others having announced their withdrawal. The senatorial Election was completed in two ballots. On the first Mr. Casteel received 24 votes; W. C. Adams, of Alcorn- county, 22, and W. N. Ta,ylor, of Hinds county, 7. E. H. King,[of Lowndes county, was chosen serretiary of the Senate and George B. Rcjwer, of Jalkson, was named rlerifof the House. The election of Mr. Bailey is the first delW, '^.the incomin-g administration. Gf?V?riio'r-elect Bilbo had requested the members of the^ House not to vote for him, declaring that he k-as opposed'?to all of the things for hich I stand." IRST BILL IN LEGISLATURE IS
Traub, Capt Charles 031