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j RUSH YVUK1V i Red Cross plans to bring in as many experienced workers as will be necessary to service the family as quickly as possible realizing tne necessity of the family being ■ rehabilitated before winter weather sets up. The families affected by the hurricane have been most patient f) and cooperative, and we feel sure I tjjey will continue. I (continued on page three: h ■ Every family registered may not ■ Icceive assistance as it will be learned through an investigation ^ that some are not eligible due to their ability to help themseives. However, it is still urged that all families that will jieed assistance should register as quickly as possible so that a case worker may visit their home and sei". ice them. Those families having an arise should report to the Rad Cross Disaster Headquarters as soon as possible. It is important that each familj remember that they will be visited, and if it is an emergency case it will have the first consideration With the famn;? Z and to Plai can be met « how those needs TO rebuild homes Many families in Rn .assisted in comnw- X1 wiI1 be of ‘heir homS rebu;!ding repaired. A S n uS wiI1 be ']l>s will be assfsES ?r of &m' hold furniture mf!?- ,w,lth house-tional clothing / 5 ls’ addi- 1 hdd expensesT’Each house- considered on its inri- afe be a decision rnadp1^ meri‘ Red^Cro b6en * aft6r each 'and ^very^famil t0- assist Biloxi area where I nlL In the « s only natural that thnt exists-having resources 6 peopla h^P themselves It m-X??c-tad to some cases a famiiv eht be in far, and Rm y can go so 1° supplement froVthir ^ able very important thL r,e on- 14 realize that certain n,,e%C-h fami3^ he asked them anVn 110ns WllI ?«cations mad™ in Lhertain veri-“ «>e‘extent of the «Case- Xt is interviewing thp f .®se worker into family" afvf. iarnily to pry formation is but this iZ mine the actual to deter~ •^determined how Red cJ* Can hest meet that need can receive6 more^thlit wi]I because the inrfivw fr families' the family needs <* family may h ter and one than another AfW fes°urces are made and' the pT^Venfications and presented to slnV^ prePared committee, the fom°? advisory notified by carri tl 'ly vviu be office and at such ?°me into the be notified of their they family having Each troyed homes or des~ an experienced buildinllSU5d- by who will mat*. ms advisor mate of the cost n?” 3CtuaJ «ti-this case ! f-l f repairs. When : wll b^ asked tob^Sed the family I contractor as lah^Se‘heir are invohed and th material be dra-,„ Un eh”a Contract the w IPlltionfcoftheghomeSOr^POn C0«- | inspection toebe0emeJ make an the contract have h ‘ terms of j out and that % • n carried (fied wUh theSob6 famUy is satis- Cbft,jr/'r ” kLe^JU Biloxi Ref Cross Gives Damage List Sixteen Homes Destroyed, 230 Others Damaged; 104 Business and Other Structures Are Damaged Sixteen homes were destroyed and 230 others were damaged by the September 19 hurricane at Biloxi, it jvas disclosed today in a survey released by W. R. Dib-brell, Biloxi area Red Cross disaster director. Two thousand families suffered loss, the report showed, and 104 business buildings and other outbuildings were destroyed. Ten barns were destroyed, 22 others were damaged, and 270 business buildings sustained damage. » In addition to the material loss of buildings it is estimated that some 750 families suffered household furniture loss, and some 325 families were affected by the loss of small business which included boats and fishing equipment. The last two categories have applied I Cross assistance and in I addition to these figures many : more were affected that are in j a position to meet their own ; needs. At the present 1200 families have registered in the Biloxi area. The majority of these families have received emergency assistance which consists of food, clothing, and medical attention. It is estimated that registration would exceed 1500 families. Many of these families have suffered loss of employment due to damage incurred by the hurricane to the fishing industry. Assistance in this case is being considered by tempo r a r y maintenance V> include household expenses. : _ Over 100 boat cases have reg-! istered to date, and many of these cases have already been serviced on emergency basis to enable the owner to get his' boat into the water so he can resume his occupation. Priority has been given those cases that were considered of an emergency nature, for example those families having damaged or lost boats, medical problems and those families that require minor repairs to their homes to make them livable until further rehabilitation can be arranged. The Red Cross Disaster Headquarters located in Biloxi Community Hall has serviced over 1,000 families meeting the emer-! gency needs. j Staff members of the national I organization who are especially trained in disaster case work are arriving in this area. These people will come in from all parts of the United States. Many assigned , to the Texas City explosion, | others at Woodward, Okla., tor-nado, and from various jobs with hurricane experience. These peo-°”f th°ught in mind, +V.C
Hurricane 1947 Emma States Sept 2 1947 (6)