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^ "'**y APioa.HAuri; QAftitQBiC!;. n a h 'c, e C v ?* . ? ? ? > v )? - -v ' \ V - *?. S ^ >* X ^ Vvv/;;V ? \ ?? \ . ? \ . sriiarn uorca i'atiior, <11 o<V about (total*r\SCth-, 1849 4 'X* '' ; if*. (sfjilhat* Boyur.goa, Al?.a after-dipt, U*?B Children of Bertrand Horaces end BornadefUnilhatJBordagoa: Oaded Bordagee, Tiled between 1867 and 1872 i'ranoois Borda^es, die! so?;eti;ae aftsr 1072 John Bordagea, diod April 22,1*378 Joseph Borlagoe, die 3 J?ob.3rd,lQ66 Andrszino Bon'ages iannoe, died October 17th?1897 jQanrre'-Sorda^oo died____________ Children of John BordagoetjdQcaasod! andreziRc ^#***&g#??^avro- Bom ^aroh 4,1849 v* Joeoph J Borda^es, $orn Oat,?0?!l86Q -oulsy&laa. Bertrand Borages, "v i4ar,3.ieF>8 " ? n ? i>'ranooln C.Bi>rdagos ? J&n.?y.l063 ** ? n ? r k ________?- ~r Children of Joaeph Bonla?Gs, eceased Laura (Borda^es)Carlo, Bom AS&y 15,I860. Lied Sept.IB, 1907 John J Bordngec w Jon *n6th,1863 T-ivin.^- a,t 0 . wave .ana,*43b. Louio Kapoleun P/Ord&gea ,T July 31at *ilon Children of Laura Bor?agos C&rio, doocaso.u Sidney Carlo, Born Oct.14tb.IPr.O Living 7?volanA.uiaa. Caoliie Carlo H>,189^ " ! Henry Carlo " Oct 11th,1093 " Childron of jlannoa, dooeaaod Hoe mi ?olrot, Bom Juny lQtli,18G4- Living tevf Orleans,La.? Mary Lanneo M Joby 2,1835 rt ? i< * u&enie rubalin" Au/; 1C,1$68 " Ceclile oljoult" Juno 13th. 1 Alb ? ? .{Jilt, ^ 1 cfaa<rjs C. $ )/3tv?/ jfaf' ~ J/IoasC'/^ /3*r<ti //leuu^j /StrrzfaJ , P 0^-rd * f < -s ? W' V
Bordages 032