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Delia Alford, known as,Nannie Alford by somo informants, d-Jan. 3. 19^0, buried Centroville cemetery, m- Uriah Dillon, b-Jan. 1, 1066, d-May 10, 1951, 6 cht
1,	Virgil Dillon, b-Feb. 6, 1895, lived Lexie, m- Edna Bullock, daughter of Wesley II. And Victoria Elltey Dullook, 1 son: a, Hyron Dillon, m- Elitabeth Toung, They live in Lexington, Mias., he in employed by r.S.A. and they have 3 #ona. -Aric Dillon, b-Atg. 29# 1097, m- Ethel Stein, 1 dnui a. Ann Dillon, m- Hike Knenell, live New Orleana, have 2 ch:
Mickey and Annette Hassell.
Annie Dillon died infancy
Vera Dillon b-Jan. 22, 1900. m- Jan. 3, 1925? John Harvey, 3 chi
a,	Marvin Harvey. b-July 1, 1926, m- Patsy Taylor, 4 ch: Van, John Thomas, Rex, and Janet Harvey
b.	Blanche Lanelie Harvey, b-MAy 6, 1930, ?- Colbert Dudley, ch:
Patricia, Billy, Amy Dudley
o.	Annie Olyn Harvey, b-Nov. 23, 1933, ?- Hax Durian, 2 ch:
Edsel and Robbie Durham
5.	Holvln D1 Don, b-Fob. 5, 1904, m- Irene Sumrall
6.	Rexin Dillon, b-Jan. 6, 1906, d-Jan# 1910.
Thomaa Alford, non of 3obastian Alford and Mrs. Stayra Brumfield Alford, d~19l0, buried	Thornhill Cemetery, m-	Dec.	2,	3099,	Lillie Hushing, b-1076,
d-1915* After	death of Tom Alford, Lillie	?-	Lemuel	Toney, page	43
1.	Hardy Alford, m- Kate Kyter, had 4 chi
a.	Joe Alford
b.Virginia	Alford m- Hugh Xnlppora o? Billy Alford, m- Kate Thornhill
d.	Sarah Alford
2.	Arthur L. Alford, m- Margaret Louise Martin, b-Sept. 4, 1903, d-Mar. 25,
1961, bur.	Tylertown, hAd 6 chi
a.	Thomaa	Alford married a widow	with	children
b.	Mary Alford, m- Ray Thornhill, live Kokomo.
c.	Travis Alford m- Louise McKencie, ch: Travis, Linda, Betty$ue, Odell*
d.	Hulon Alford, m- Miss fuller. Independence, La., ch: Orogory and Sherry.
e.	Dan Alford, m- Joan Lylea, live Kokomo.
f.	Martha Ann Alford, m- Joe Ladner, ch: Lisa Gay and Sandra Kay Ladner.
3.	Lucy Alford, m- Maurice Martin, 4 cht
a.	Infant died
b.	Alcun Martin m- I nor. Ross
c.	Edward Marlin married	a girl from	Nntchox and had a child.
d.	W. A. Martin married	throe times,	a (Jau. of first marriage	and	a	son
by third marriage.
4.	Lethal Alford, m** Dud Sima, liad 4 chi
a.	Nellie Mao Sima, m- Eugene Rimes, lv\d 3 childron
b.	Francen Sima m- L. E. Breeland had a daus Janet
c.	Myra Sims died infancy
d.	Julius Sims, m- Lydia	Dillon, had	dau. Judith Sims
3.	RAYMOND ALFORD, b*1034, d-1909,	bur. Magnolia, Mins., son of Eveline	Oinn	and	Willi*
Alford, m- Mary Elisabeth McLendon, dau. of Urbane and Mary McClendon, b-Fob.l1*, 1045, d-1910, bur. Magnolia, 4 ch:
a.	Mettle M. Alford, b-ca 1066, m-Doc. 16, 1002, Pike County, Rankin N. Ellr.ey, aon of Wenloy James anti Sarah Margaret Brumfield Rlltey. Tltoy lived at McComh
and had 5 ch:
1.	Charlie Elltey m- Sophia Strebech, both now doceased, had two aons.
a.	Melvin Elltey m- Edna McCoy, lives Meridian, sons Charlos Melvin and
Richard Wayne Ellr.ey.
h.	Frank Elltoy m- Virginia Gex, llvon California, 1 daut Joan Elltoy
2.	Luther A. Elltey, m- Letha Smith, lived Memphis, Tenn.
a.	Eloanor Elltey died young
b.	Earl Ellr.ey killed during WWII
c.	Mary Elltey married had two daus: Janet and Judy Seago.
d.	Francos Ellr.ey unmarried
3.	Henry Elltey died
4.	Mamie Elltey, m- Jordan Moore, he died, she still lives Memphis, no ch.
5.	Howard Ellcey died unmarried, adopted by Mamie aftor death of hia parents,
b.	Earl l<oalie Alford, b-May 14, 1669, d-Aug. 15, 1923? w- Frances "Fannie*
Ball, b-Nov. 7, 1070, d-Mar. 22, 1950, both burled Magnolia, had 7 ch:
He was a Minister, Methodist Church
1.	Francos Elite Alford, b-Feb.10, 1905, d-Nov. 17, 1905
2.	Loren Oallowny Alford, b-Aug. 20, 1907, d-Nov. 27, 1908
3.	Alton Alford lives in Detroit, married a widow with a dau. he has no ch.
4.	Camilo Alford, a vibllniat, m- Frank Carson, lives Detroit.
5.	Mary Tyler Alford, twin, b-?/23/l913. d-Hay 14, 1914 f>. Ellr.nbnth AnXfir Alford, Iwln, b-7/ZJ/figiJ
7.	Hu III Tylor Alford b and d 1915 Butty S.Alford, m- Henry Smith, lived near Magnolia, had 3 or more childron!
1.	Edna Smith, m- Otis Burch, had dau: Dorothy Burch, Tylertown,Mlas.
2.	Plnnmore Smith
3.	Mattie Smith
<1. Howard S. Alford, b-3opt. 29, 1873. d- June 20, 1917, m- Florence Schilling, dau. of Dr. H. L. Schilling, Howard is buried in Jackson, Floronce resides at 601 Poplar Blvd., Jackson, and sho furnished information on this family on Teb. 1, 1961. Howard formerly taught in Pike County, later they were connected with Draughon's Business College, Jackson, Miss.
1.	ElsieAlford, m~ Dell Fairchild, lives at Raymond, no children.
2.	Thelma Alford m* Louis I. Dailey, lives Memphis, no children.
3.	Ruth Alford m- Sidney C. Wallace, lives 516 Cooper Road, no ch. l*. May Belle Alford, b-May 4, 1907, July 7, 1936, Eugene Furnoss, b-Oct
1904,	d-Aug. 16, 1939, bur. Hallandale, had 2 ch:
a.	Barbara Furness, b-JuJy 5? 1937
b.	Dotty Furneas, m- J. W. "Bill* W*ber, 1 ch: William LeDell Wober.
5.	Charles Henry Alford, m- (1) Elitabeth Partridge, (2) Clovis Kennedy,
they rosldo in Memphis, no ch.
Of	William	Alford,	b-o	1036.	ahown	by	Silver
, (i.Alt 133A AI.FOHD, dau. of Evelina ^U'nrflM	....	---	-*?**
trunk Church Minutes to have w-2/5/ tloorge Roberta. Informants say she married Kuna* Roberts, b-*Nov. 25, 1034, d-Oct. 1,	Had several childron including
Hmle Rotiorta and Rosa Roborts, two children dlod young of typhoid. Authentic ti.lormation on thio family will be gratefully roceived. Oeorge,Thomas,& Frank were bros.
JF.S3E A1.FORD OR JOHN J. ALFORD, aon of Evollne Ginn and William Alford, b-ca 1839,
V,<* 11 in the 1650 census and age 21 in U? i860 census. No available information 0'"1 him and it will be appreciated if any reader can supply data.
JAMES MIMUN Alford, son of Evellnn Ginn and William Alford, b-ca 1041, in the Viino category as number 5 above.
tATIIF.KLNE ALFORD "Callle", daughter of Eveline Oinn and William Alf6rd, died age 71, b-ca 1043, m - Franklin Roberta, b-Dec. 30, 1031, both buried old place noar Simmonnvilie. Prank waa son of Jim Roberts. Frank arid Callle had 7 children, trder of birth taken from census records, for Eugene, Jamos, Rosa, Arthur L.
Dendon Roberts, bur. Mt. Plegah Baptist Church, m- ______ McElveen.
1.	Margie Rotmrts, married and has children.

Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-31
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