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^VvOL;^75?NO.';42 Combined with The Wav<^^nd Advocate BAY ST. LOUIS, MISSISSIPPI, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1966 SINGLE COPY 10* SSC student is 14th fatal Malcolm G. (Jackie) Seuzeneau, Jr. 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seuzeneau of Bay St. Louis, was apparently killed Instantly wben the automobile In which he was a passenger, smaslied into two pine trtea at approximately 11 p.m. last Friday on recently paved South Street In Waveland. Young Seuzeneau, whose . r i I MALCOLM SEUZENEAU I. death brings the number of county traffic fatalities to 14, - and Walter H. Peat, Jr. of Fass Christian, driver of the car, were said to have returning to a party In Clermont Harbor after driving boarding students back to St. Stanislaus College. Both boys were day students at the Institution. Investigating officers Deputies Cheater Favre and Lee Klein of Sheriff Sylvan Ladner's office, said the car was demolished when It failed to negotiate a curve on the winding road. The victim was pronounced dead on arrival at Hancock General Hospital. Pi at was given emergency treatment and transferred to Keesler Air Force Base Hospital In Biloxi, where is is reported In satisfactory condition. No charges have b6en filed to date. ? A coroner?s Jury empaneled by J.P. Nolan Ladner with Deputy Favre, bailiff, and Fred Bourgeois, Lee Klein, Leonard Ladner, N.A. Pemlclaro, J.T. Jacobs and Nicky Ladner, ruled death due to automobile accident. Jackie, born May 28, 1950, in Gulfport, lived in Waveland and Bay St. Louis and attended St. Joseph Academy until entering St. Stanislaus, where he^ was in his Junior'year. He was manager of the St. Stanislaus football team during the 1965 season. He is survived by his ?parents, one sister, Mrs. G.S. Kennedy, III, his paternal grandfather, George L. Seuzeneau, all of Bay St. Louis, and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Hale of Long Beach. Funeral services were Monday with a requiem mass at Our Laxy of the Gulf Catholic ^Church and Interment In Garden of Memories. Serving as pallbearers were Weldon Frommeyer, Joe Martin, Michael I athen. Michael O'Leary, Roy Llmbert and Gregory Grenetto, all St. Stanislaus students.
Seuzeneau 034