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wmmcc: *
For and in consideration of the sum and amount of TEN DOLLARS casn to me in hand paid (-510.00),/and other pood and valuable considerations not necessary
to bo mentioned Heroin, tne receipt of wnie.. all is hereby acknowledged. I. Mrs. JACKIE OLTJK PEN70N, do hereby .convey find warrant unto *TOS. CORA ET:;S! H/-VIS the followinr. described land situated in Hancock County, Miasisninpi, tc-wit:
St&rtinft from m ni*pe set for the Southeast corner of the intersection of Main and Thompson "treets in the Town of Gainesville, Hancock County, I-!issir>si--r>i, (see attached pl;*t of survey by Drake and "hanrr.on, C.!•’.), thence Soutn 44 derrees West, alonr, the cant margin of Main ?*. reet a distance of 750 feet to a oine set for the southeast corner of the intersection of Main and Pearl ntroets; thence north 44 decrees r.sst alow; the east of Main Street p. distance of 275 feet to the center line of "nlon Street; thence JJorth 46 der.roes V.’e?t alomt tue center Line of I5ni*u» ’’treet a distance of 575 feet to the center of the intersection of "nion nnd '.nibrose ;'tracts; tlu-nce North 44 derrees si alor.f, tne center line of mbro::e ftreet. a . :in~ ,nce of ‘7'; feet to a noir-.t on t*.e center line of sr>id \mbr03e Street J thence -'outr H tie/veer. V’ent a distance of >'5-4 fto n >:ev; fV.lvnni-u,*d pi^e. :;et at r,n old fe:;ee corner nost for the -oin*. f t-'rinnin;- of t he ln;ii herein d^acritel; tnerice ?l---rt.h uU dc',T'';.". y tninufcen Ta,«t n distanca* of 33-1" f«»t to n	new fere*	eorr. ">oat, utti ?h post ia the	.ser.r.t	corner
of a	new ft	enelosinr the n--w r*- "id one*- of	".r-j..	"or'
Navi 3; thonc• •<7 mr the meander of tne rt Karpin -»f tne ’ '.i-er 0--:.rsesv. ’ 1 e Pend to -in ol t ir-,. nj.p» r>et for	f !-e north
<-nat	corner	^'..t.iect description, and vd'icn	nl"----	lies	on a
straight li.u ■ r>n a fennrlnj? of Uor’ h J 5 di-rrees 1. minuter Xn st an! a lint of 5?-*. 1’? f'*et. fron t:.e In at mentioned
f i-ne .-j cor;. , r >>0't
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Gainesville Giardino Report Surveyor-(6)
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Hancock County Historical Society
All rights reserved