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CARTWRIGHT EUSTIS, is another of the prominent Orleanians who make their summer home on the coast. Mr. Eustis owns one of the handsomest and most elaborate residences which is situated on the Sound, close to Nicholson Oak trees. The gardens are resplendent with beautiful flowers, palms and plants In the rear of the home Mr. Eu>tis maintains a poultry farm and is also experimenting with success in the raising of thoroughbred hogs. Together with The Palatial Horae of Cartwrig-ht Eustis at Waveland. Avenue. This home is noted for its luxurious furnishings his personal realty holdings and his interests in the Hellwege and the refined hospitality pervading its entire atmosphere. estates at Waveland, Mr. Eustis is one of the extensive prop- The grounds of his home are considered amongst the most erty holders of this section, and as a consequence, he takes a beautiful, being liberally shaded by handsome Magnolia and 34 keen interest, and is always willing to co-operate with all
Hancock County Sketch Book Sketch-Book-of-Hancock-County-1908-(35)