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P? Spma^otic^^^Jfy NEW
I; ?k : -
iscovery '. of a Mineral ? Spring ro?el Eosch, Bay St. Louis'.?This delightful c summer; retreat, so y-^appreciated by' 6ur N?wJ OW ;\fnends^ has added |o jt^eculiar iritag^^^^vSeautifullrlo^i^^By., Sg|g
SSrb'onate qjf
;? SV: Stanislaus College
LOUIS,.	4 ., . 7
THIS Institution,' conducted by, -jr.
:? Brothers of the Sacred Heart, has been in snccessful operation since 1655. ? It beautifully situated on the shores of the Baj, commanding an extensive view of tlr Gulf-And affordinje all the advantages of the
sea breeie a.iia'BeaT>arc&^-??--------	-	?
;., The delightful situation of Bay St. Louis and the facility ;of access to the place, at 11 seasonCof ithe.yeaTj are so^weU known that pS^a'ipMBtn^'nbtic^pf'tliese advantages is
l^aa^a^iou^^^S^P^ctJon of the ?upiSfetia^iiBirSa<>S^^6omfori .are at-
^	order,	neatness
e- ir?	1	'	?	*
?^?FSsS^Si'AXSaTxommences on the 15 th ?jfrJ&IRJKJjI^S^S^^VMtThursday of vacation lasts
atanyti me cf the year.
???^.q^|aSisslbiys^TO?;7-to 16 years." >Tt?.ooT;rsc of education coinprises all that 6 taught in comn^rel2uiStI?utio"ns, namely : Eeading,''Penmanshipj^nglYs(i>.nd French Grammar^ CompdHtion^TArithmetic', Bookkeeping, Algebra^Geojnetry, DraWing, &c.~~
ation, per^lSession, payaEie' ?	.S254
?"	'	I	"5^ : -.
1 y-i ?" .;? ..- v	P'Z'.?*'*'''
mldministrator?s Sdlei
B-tt ? ? i. ?	Z. - ^r'^ioetree oi*
Y -virtue and'in pursuance of	V	.'.vt.-
the, Probate Court of Hancoclf^^fiDerf made at the; March; term thereofryyv^^jffa 0f ^ undersigned administrator, of thv	IVniVv5^T
T^ms A J? ATTOIIT.R-V	w;n?,;/,'?
LOUISANS A~U CIILR^ a* ininor^ wilUoii 3d day.' of May,__ Wfwee'n^ the* scribed by lax,
to the hTg'ner ^ described landijvttf'
; ^piece>%?ar6^^ porate limlt^ol^H^
und bounded^ Clague,;'TOrt^ ? s "heirs, Soufei^yJarid^c
"bp. the JB ay?of^S t?"Xio
front, and .extending
lock _.f .,	______-
very p EE&_D AT- at-6^ o?clock XrK ?_?': z^*; H- LEDUC, Pastor.
fijP ierre^Sherges* ??;-&.*
____. :
________13:' Viol uj?*iTer	:00 ?
Use of	-	.2E2SS&!tKiVj?;C-*'T504i
JFlote ~ - r.4 OV Brass Instrument;peiiinronth*^.;??-.-?>	1	00
A select assortmenfoE.' all staple '-artaeles,' [uitabl e. for ih is ^'inarke t, -'al-?ayV? kept? on
Spanish.and German languages, per- - - ^C. T^-inonth^-'-eaph.	'? ?	5	00
^JoV^urther^arti^ulara^apply by letter to fche Academy,
^dresse^^iBay^^r^oui8>XSbieldsboro,) :ip a 3	,?
ay- ft t. 'X oiiis^^ afelTl i1869.
*> Saocessor* to - JE;;: Garau d y & Co.
?&:??r*X- ,sT^, .? . ?Ew-:	,
?? ?	??	,^>f:	4	??	-	-	-?	j	?'.;,	> .. ?
HAS'on-lmnd.ft large?:assortment of DRY ' GOODS, CROOEKIty, HARDWARE, BOOTS/ SHOES;T;WTXES :vnd LIQUORS,
WHOLESALE or RETAIL, > V.-	?.	-!?*.	and	at
/ ..New Orleans Prices?.
,r-Id^T,All' Producc lif^the ennntry will be'exchange for goods; at the highest
?	?>?r'
" _;AdjMning-tbo Groccry Storo is 7	ete^iind well-assorted
i	store' ah d A pothoca-
L_^y?vS?hop?j\,:-where I will nhvny?: ? ?'*kcep^carcful and nttentivc elcrk.
?? r"*.	____________
GEbVSVAIlBRlVk^'^/^^; J. p. KENTON.
jTSttfarbric/c A' Co
TTholesnle and Retail Grocers, Kq. 59 Camp Street.
NEW ORLEANS._________________
?ent *? .-P-^Tt'oTet^^^l
? .T.
The Cheapest and the'B?es
Splendid Oflers foJ
THIS popular Mphthly'lS^ sequence-of its merit and i
tfi^ndred fa^a^.OT^^
Thrilling4Tales an3''N'ovtI5
are the bpstjpubliahed any whero?i?^_ most popular writers .are-eiii^ldvei-^M originally for.^f^terspn^- i^jla^ubli in add i tion to it-, iisual amounl^^liof^l ies, FouriOri^iriaL Cop^igKt^Jjoye, lets, will be given, viz.VJtlary^ATiioinette?j Talisman', by Mrs. ~Annr 8. S?e'phei^|^rhi_
Mystery of Blackwood Gran?e*byjthVautlioTr^^
of Sir Xoel's Heir;. Katie?s vVihter.'iii'W^___________
mgton, _ by. Frank . Lee^Benedict}:r^ndrihe jp^tf' 7?^.- -
Superb JPxem^m^JEii^ravmgvlv^\;
To every'j>eraon	up a Crub.J"orl869tr?
will be.^sent^ graiis^a.-copv o^^fr'^new and ', splendid iii^zz<rtliH;fo^fni^ii5s.(size 24 inch-:;-' es by 16)?tho^4^i^rkJ?i^eirhieirejti^Irafter	?
.???? <H* i .i 4\ ?? ni.>*?injfUTmt, rnwy famwis French ar	os t?d e - - l
sirable premium^^er^ oif^dl^pFoV largo * clubs/as will be^een^elo^^nlcxtra copy ' will be sent in ad^tion?^{j^c^l^fe?T '
One oopy^bne year;?. 2
Five copies fur onfr	?	-,
Eight copies for one year? ?	1?2>~-$V;r.
Fourteen copies for one year	20?:> ^	?
Premiums for Getting up ClubV: U.*
To everj' person getting up a^-Club' of?-. . five, eight or Fourteen, at-tlie .^ab?oVe"rat*'*;'a -copy of the M.igHzine for 1869 wilTbe giycn ?' Sr?t>- ' -
CHARLES J. PETERSO>>^iivV,y-306 Che.stnvt St., J'hi1n^HljiliMi-> ? . ^y~ <Sj?-cinicus sent gratis, whcn__writte? . fur.	L
I*oung JLndiesii .Scnrfctuff

Favre, Simon 一document-10
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Hancock County Historical Society
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