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, f V V.?. V' ,: ? :? - ;;,-!p?!f' :{|gv/ Mr. and Mrs. Qua Elmer and the -baby came out from Now . Orleans ..^Saturday to spend Sunday with Mrs, ^Elmer?s father, Mr. J. F. Cazoneuve, '^v/and family, . .V.\ . ?vv.' i'y- ' ? ?'* ? ' '2, The Peerless Stars put up a splendid jj'game Wednesday afternoon, one of the j^inoat Interesting of the season, with a flemi-profeaslonal taam from New jOr* leani;?result 2-2. rJ>*:>??. V1 : Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stokoe left?on Wednesday morning' in their automobile ior^Hot Springs, Ark. The same Jnlght, according to1 telephone mossage, -they'had reached Brookhaven,' ?? ; ' ? ? lr.,Victor Landrieux, ? 'for'mor resl-? 'dent of this olty and engaged - in busi-. , ness'A-for ' many years, . was ? here ^Mft^during the week, ? callo'd .by a message ^announcing the doaoh of his sister,Mrs, i&a,C.,lGardeblod.', ^jv.Mra. Harriot E. Ganlor sold to Henry .V^S^Renshaw h?r building, lot on the Mjbeach: front, adjoining the Chapman ^?.residence/ for a cash consideration of %$2,300, and he will build a home for his ^oooiipanoy in the near future. iCirouit Court for Hancock county ^convened in this city Monday, with v?*Judg6.Barrett on the bench, E.J. Ford &?prosecuting attorney, E. Van whitfiold sheriff, A. A. Kergosien clerk, L. N. C. ^Spotorno foreman of the grand jury, .V. ^t^Mri and Mrs. Jac. Bokenfohr an*-&/;nbutice the approaching marriage of their daughter Magdeline to Mr. H. U. fJ^jMartin, The 'wadding will take place the:family residence, 1022 Esplanade Vivenue, New Orleans, Monday, October pV-12, at 2 o?olook. , ? . v M*V- Carmelite Bpotorno left Wednesday jnornlng for Now Orleans, en fbute for iMoreauville,? La., where she, will "'have Charge of a class in the school, at ?j^that place. She taught with success at ^.Marksvillo/ La., last year,' and has taken the now charge at an advantage. " ?.i^Dr.'D. Bornio, ?well-known in (New .Orleans and'Bay 3t. Louis, was here ^Wednesday-, to attend the funeral of ^Mrs. C.Gardebled, whom ho had known s? :'ior over 33 years as a personal friend of ?\<tliG family. Dr.' Bornio practiced ?n^liVinn linrn in 1HR2 and.1883, and had denoe of her d&ugh^r,f^rs/*Fayird,?ln Main]i?t^.t;.W.^no^iij^i^rto^y}<%Sa' was largely' high esteen' in which?1)m vdeoeaaSd^ was held. Cemetery/ /,Hellor,-l8^that^V6'?l^^?y.v,y?y? young?una? ?ii'hat'j^ No? I didn?^want^John^parWcuiarly^ you'll dp'alrighti?^airighli^4^^P^^^4 -.'?Trouble, :? girl^'no irbu|>le*.dq,^rSi^ciiv0jUtliil /old? , eTerythingja ?fineM.'Tfiat'aTwhat l raise the roof?oiifMonday I ^jLilatefij *1^11. tell you Bome*bf'tiie?thingi'?.ya!e^gold^ to have.'^we will atirUhe iunn'yvitail^. rolling. at'lQ b'oolock; A^Ml^.and bleed your,heart,'H will do spmei-StaU^jplflntt' all day Uongl^.^efre Vg61n^.to; genuine 'i f ast'A nbrjse^ rao6 ?. "andy4^iat man?s race, too>^(Ju8t thtnkj of - ttoo^e heavies -heaving'1, along* the 'line)''.Bob Webb,' !the / CarrplI/^fAve^Chkmplon^ Little Jaok Farre,the balie,-ln-th^wood,': Bl?ouU*P*t^; .UtfdtililJ? fOtji fipipffaiii protela?- matteri^^hpk-BH^dte'l^Le'f&T Favre 'the j Bayou*. GhiJlere^p^z^iVib'ai)^; and other notabl^.'^^v'^^i'-,;]^^! , ?Thea.wo willhaye^a Boy's^rkce^fpr a prixe.:5 You can teli your boys'^ to^get In to that, Marj^f>^?^nf, ' ?0J: s* '.'They "can gfet(iivon:J the greasy pole Climb,\i'to6.'?TfceWu1 bfl' dollar i'blil1 moving on the top for'the klolry; clim?bef? ?_'Oh, yes! ,the^ glrla *wlll'have?fthoir share tool <or we''are going^to^havo'a Girl?s Race whore each girl'??toUl^oafrj^a innr.. onnnn1 nt ?arm?svienrrfch^wilh in
Gardebled obit-2