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2,	Boas Roborta married nnd Itta childron,
3* Uli? Roberta married and lua children.
4.	Frank Roberts married and has children,
b.	Andrew Roberts m- Dertle ____________ has two daust
1. Mamie Roberts registered nurse at Independence, Ia., lives at Amite,
Ia. m- ____________________ Ooldsby, 2 oh: Reggie and Miles Ooldsby.
2.	Ottls Horle Roberts, lives Anlte, La., 5 chi Jano Allen, Dret,
Donnie, Tat, and Juno Kennedy.
o.	Eugene Roborts died young
d.	James Roberts died young
e.	Rosa E. Roberta n- Donnie Roberts, had 5 cht
1.	Kurmit Roberts
2.	Irma Roberta married lives Ht. Herman, Ia. no ch.
3? B. F. Roberts, m- Permacie Simmons, b-Mar. 1, 1900, 3 cht Sheila,
Susan, and Phillip Roberts.
4.	Farrell Roberts, m- Myrtle May, 1 son* Ike Roborta
5* Ike Roborta died youtfg
f,	Arthur Layton Roberts buried Sunny Hill, m- _____ Siwars, 4 ch*
1.	A1 ton Roberts
2.	Ruth Roberta 3* Emmett Roberts
4.	Aril Roborta
g, Mamie Roberts, ?i- Donton L. Allen, livos McComb, no childron,
?	8,	W. JACKSON "JACK* ALFORD, b-ca 1045, son of Eveline Olnn and William Alford,
?- Hary Emily Hagee, b-1054, dau, of Nehemlah and Celia Roberta MAgee. (Celia was a slater to Frank and Tom Roborta referred to on page 59 as husband of Clarissa Alford), 7 chi
a.	Bud Alford
b.	Elmer Alford
c.	Dock Alford
d.	Ed Alford e ? son
f,	twin
g.	twin
9.	NEEDHAM Vf, ALFORD, b-ca 1048, son of Eveline Oinn and William Alford, m- Laura Evelyn Brumfield, shown In 10?0 census as age 19* And in 1B00 census as age 20.
9 chj
a.	Thomas E, Alford died about age 29 unm&rrlod,
b.	John N, Alford, m- Jan, "1907. Pike County, (l) Irene Brock (2) Mrs, EuIa Dunn Fortlniwrry Brock, b-Aug. 10, 1004, d- Deo, 31. 1950. dau. of Ivan and iAura Melisua Alford Fortinborry, and widow of William Uoyd Urook,
who died 1925* No childron.
c.	W. Ellis Alford, b-ca 1070, m- Kettle Mao McDaniel, b-Mny, )fl, 1M02, d-Mar. 24, 1950. dan, of Jim McDaniel, loft 2 daus., 1 bro., 1 sintor, buried Silvor Croek.
1,	and 2. diod infancy
3. Wossie Alford, m- Coofwr Crain, liven Cleveland, Mins, 3 ch.
4. Laura Jane Alford, m- Harold Simmons, with Ford Tractor Co, Tylertown,
Hi us. nnd has 2 ch.
d.	Arthur D. Alford b-3opt, 17. 1000, d-Mov. 1], 1950. wnmftfrlod, burlod Silver Creok,left surviving 2 brosi Otis snd Hartin, 1 sister, Fanny Stowari
e.	Martin Edgar Alford, m- (l) Laura Jane HcDanlol, b-Oct, 2, 1007, d- May 13, 1957, oioter of Hattie Mae above. Ho lives Onyka, Mias, m- (2) Doo.
I960,	Mrs. Linda Simmonn Schillings Fort] nl>orry, J) ch. by first mnrria/jn.
1.	Maurice Alford m- (l) Estelle Hush, no. ch. (2) LaUra	.	a nurse
at HcComb, no ch.
2.	Mae Delle Alford m- Howard Schorle, lives Rittman, Ohio, has 2 chi Jimmy and Nanoy Schorle,
3.	Oladys Alford m- SAm Barnes. He is deceased, she is Slate Employee, with Workmans Com(>enaation Commission, lives in Jackson, 1 eotu
a. Ray Earl Barnes, m- Marylin Lane, 2 chi Paul Stacey Darnos, and Herilyn ??Candy" Unrnon,
4.	Dalton William Alford, m- Wllda Schillings, 1 cht
a.	Tatsy Alford m- Ouy Oeller, 3 ohi Randy, and 2 daughters, all throo born in France while fl?tUUto?was In service overseas,
5.	Floyd Alford, liveo McComb, m- Ruby Rico, 2 ohi Olenda Joy A Gale,
6.	Dorothy "Dot" Alford, m- Morris Howell, he is in Armed Service and thoy are now stationed in McLean, Va. 3 cht Dorothy Jean, Wayne, and Carol Howell,
7.	Dnnlce Alford,' m- April 1947, A. S. Lutrick. She supplied information
on tills family in Aug. 1963* Thoy live 320 Creston,	Jnckson,	nnd	he
in with International Paper Conjjany.	1 daut	Dlance	Alford,	ago	15.
0,	Harold Alford, livos Osyka, Minn, m- Fay Quin, 2 chi Randy mkI Enter,
f,	l/iwlo Alford, now doooanod, fonnorly livod at Onyka, wan married, and had a dau 1
1,	Ruth Alford
g,	Joshua Alford died voung
li, Fannie Alford m- (l) Clnudo Elltoy, hnd 3 chi m- (2) _________________ Slowart,
1, Ruth Merle Ellcey m-	Rlmos, had 7 cht
a,	Pauline Rlmoo m- Ross Colons had 2	oh,
V). Nadine Rimos m- Konneth Dutlor, hnd	3 ch.
c,	Rol>erl Rimos
d,	ClAude Rlmos
0.	Shirley Mao Rimos m- Claronco Easley, 3 chi Johnny, Ranee, Stanley,
f,	George Rimos
g,	Nolda Rimes
2,	Rol?rt Drown Elltey m- Elmose Brock, 2 cht Edith Lynn, Charles Everett.
3,	Laura Marjorie Elltey m- Jeene Fortinborry, 3 chi
a.	Marylin Fortinl^erry m- Foy Slowart
b.	dau. dldd young
c.	Paulette Fortinborry, polio viotim
1,	Otis Alford, m- Doo. 1919. WalUiall County, Nora Oinn, dau. of R. 3. Oinn, thoy now live on a part of tho old Reodham Alford placo near Loxie,

Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-32
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