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B-W GARDEN CLUB DEDICATES MARKER AT CEREMONIES SAT. By Vicki Lennox Hill Since the inception of the Bay-Waveland Garden Club nearly fifteen years ago, the organization has ; done much in the way of civic im- f provements as well as instilling in the hearts and minds of its members a desire for more attractive gardens and a more extensive knowledge oi ' the technical angle which is a part j of every successful horticultural undertaking. To the Club?s credit go the placing of benches at various points through-! out our community, many efforts toward beautifying and improving local surroundings, the dedication' of the useful Roadside Park situated r,n Highway 00, and other project of '<'? charitable nature which are not generally known Puin investigation one learns that members of the Bay-Wavelaiulf Garden i Club spend the hours advantageously rather than socially, which l.mer is often the mistaken belief. Perhaps there s no 0110 member who has exceededthe mtore^U enthusiasm or fidelity to p'.apof.i' as has Mrs. Eugene Mogabgab, who time after time went about the stalt- al her own expense in the interest of better gardens. It was fitting, therefore, that this lady be chosen to present the dedicatory speech at the unveiling oof the historical marker which was a part of the new bridge ceremonies and was sponsored by the local garden club. In making the presentation, Mrs. Mogabgab said; ?Mayor Scafide, we, the members j of the Bay-Waveland Garden Club, are happy and proud to present to you and the city of Bay St. 'Louis, this ' historical marker, which reads: ! ??Organized as Shieldsboro in 1858. Renamed in 1875 for Bay explored by Iberville in 1699 on birthday of Louis IX. Town built on site of Chica-poula, former Indian village.? The marker was covered with a replica of the original flag which flew over what is now Bay St. Louis and was1 unveiled by Miss Irma Joan Lee, who was recently selected ?Miss Hospitality? for Hancock County. Members of the Bay-Waveland Gar-I den Club also played a conspicuous oart in the entertainment which fol-jwed the dedicatory* ceromftniet) at ; lotel Reed, where they acted as liost-ises to the hundreds of guests, local uders, aui Iheir families. Ai venous points throug'.iout I lie re uption rooms and the dining room ?vere artistic flower arrangemonls proving the skill of the members. This service was under the direction of Mrs. J. Russell Rollins, a past president of the club. The club is reasonable proud ol this, its more recent accomplishment, which stands as a monument to the^ State of Mississippi and also compliments the alertness and civic-mind-edness of its one hundred members. /
Mogabgab 033