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| ^ Co ^ 2^49 S billy siu:;Xcc'i ouc as typifyii^ ii. ;:on,f- the billy siu: :led ouF as typifyii^ his *roocI work in Gon'vrer.}-; wss included one by v;hlch ioulsiot? "scoured the prompt i^iiu Tull re pc.i,yt^ont of tlie amount loaned to the j-ovorument 50 t?fc tne tii.-?O of tlx Mexican ./nr. "* Another securee fa:- a ?*roup of "Soon is h residents" of new Orleans tin? acttienent oi' claims in tne amount' oi acvefWl'''Dtmuruja 51 ihOTSHTnSr of dollai?8. The job D]j;/3i.::'od go difficult tha t tic pe rsons for whom he labored wars willing tc pay hire a fee for his services. He 51 refused to take a u.umy from then. 1\g o consequence of his ,.>erfo? ranees, particularly v.ith j regard to the y/ior;a<-'c of rArj second bill above, La Here was I I Riven ivnVvjarm^e^conie when bo arrived in Hew Orleans in mid- Octoher, 1650. The Loulslaws Courier preised him in /.louin/:; i terras end announced thot the cocinereiel e s U- bl i shusents of tho ity v;ere* to give him o present in appreciation of his ser- ?rv: 53 <0 vices. i?he gift wes a silver serving tray, goblets, old pitchc'. It is still in existence.' he'd ho chosen to re r: 2 in irj Con-,*j*ecs, porhev*? Lt? 'nr o nlr,h* have risen fci?*n in his party at the national level. During the lon.:; balloting for the Speakership in -'tecsicker, 1C^9 ? the Job finally ?pin;-; to Ho?.veil Cobb ? Lz> 5e:-e thrae tii?x: n rocciv^,. one vote. Obviously in waa a compromise or ndidate being h'ld in reserve. 5*1 .Vi ;*.-ro returned hone I'rom Congress to continue as the
O'Brien, Hon. E. E Speaking-of-Emile-La-Sere-in-Congress