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? (.her Banku?coiuuior-
uaerve funds__________$___	104,034.90
mid Checks tor nbxt
ariiiRs ________1_____l._	4,15-1.83
_________________V??V-	8,039.00
______________________1_	495.00
nickels and cents_______	2,173.07
rowed ____________________	03,500.00
L _______________________$1,017,348.73
ck ______________________$	35,000.00
nd.......................	55,000.00
1?rofits,	lesB amount
interest,	taxes and
spouses__________________	1,554.IS
_________________________	5,250.00
> check________$303,S55.11
posits ________ 314,707.00
I'icates of
rtu'H........ 83,020.08
iijckH .....	9,117.59	850,995.33
owed _________________?	03,500.00
?ms of Liability, viz: _________________________	49.22
Yates, do solemnly swear that a true statement of the flnan-m of Merchants bank & Trust x-atrd at Bay Saint Louis, In of Hancock, State of Missis-? close of business ou the 31st ?inher, 1927, to the best of my i nd belief.
W. V. YATES, Cashier.
i. MOKKAU, Directors. Ussissippl, County of Hancock, and subscribed before me by Cashier, this 8th diy of .Tan-
J. A. BREATII, and Ex-Officio Notary l?ubiic. Hsion expires January 1, 1032.
' ??'_______?? >
'e and are authorized and empowered to <lgn a note or other obligations, obligating the city to pay such amounts not later than the 15th of February, 1928.
Approved in open Board this the 28th day of December, 1927.
S. J. LADNER, Secty. Motion by Alderman Marti, seconded by Mdernian Carver and carried, that John O'Neal be and Is hereby allowed the additional amounts of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for the month of December, he having icted as City Marshal during the vacation ?if the City Slarshal, Albert Jones.
All orders in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Motion by Carver, seconded by Gillum, the following resolution was unanimously adopted :
WhereaR. this is the last meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen under the >ld form if government, and,
Whereas, on Monday, January 2nd, the n^w Commissioners under the new Commission Form of Government will take their offices. This Commission being composed of Honorable Charles Traub, Sr., Honorable Ferdinand II. Egloff and Honorable Sylvan J. Ladner, and,
Whereas, these men are to assume the reins of government for the City of Bay St. Louis for the next four years Rnd it Is desired that their administration be a complete success for the health, happiness and prosperity of the people of the City of Bay St. Louis,.
Therefore, be It resolved that we, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Bay St. Louis, do hereby extend our best wishes for the success of the administration, composed of the gentlemen above mentioned and that if there were any differences between any of us and these gentlemen we hope that it is forgotten and forgiven a;id we now offer our services In whatever capacity we may aid them in making a complete success of their administration for the good of the people of Bay St. Louis.	?
The following bills were allowed^npprov-ed. and ordered paid out of the following funds:
Sinking Bond Fund.
Continental National Bank, Chicago. 111., semi-annual interest on $10,000.00 Sea Wall bonds, 5V6 per cent. Interest, due January 1, 1928$ 275.00 Hibernia Bank A Trust Co., New Orleans, La., redeem bondR No. 97 to 112. inclusive, at $1,000.00, semiannual interest orv $48fKX).00 at 0 per cent. Sea Wall, due January
1st. 1928 __________________________ 9,440.00
National I?nrk Bank, New York, semi-annual Interest on $20,000.00 Sea Wall bonds, at 0 per cent.
Interest, due Jan. 1, 1928 _________	600.00
Hibernia Bank A Trust Company,
New Orleans, La., redeem bonds Nos. 254 to 200, inclusive, at $1.-000.00 each, semi-annual Interest on $57,000, Sea Wall bonds at 6 per cent. Interest, due Jan. 1, 1928 3,710.00 'Hancock County Bank City, redeem bonds Nos. 313 to 314 at $1,000.00 semi-annual Interest on $4,000.00 Sea Wall bonds at 0 per cent Interest, due Jan. 1, 1928 ______________ 2,120.00
Waterworks Fund.
Hancock County Bank, City, redeem bonds Nos. 31 to 36, inclusive, semi-annual interest on $20,000.00 at 6 per cent. Interest, due January 1, 1928, waterworks bonds_________ 3,000.00
Hancock CouDt.v Bank. City, redeem bonds Nos. 73 to 74, inclusive, semi-annual interest an $56,000.00 waterworks bonds at 6 per cent.,
due January 1, 1928 ________________ 3,680.00
W. J. Gallup, waterworks maintainer. salary ___________________________	135.00
WftiiTim TD, Ilays, mdse., pipes_______	112.00
A. R. Johnston, recovering water
resevolr, as per contract___________	275.00
School Fund.
Tt E. Kellar, pro rata Balary, city
-Bti-pgrlnioadf nt __________________	59.20
City Fund.	^-----??
-<Vjyi-IHMze,_Mayor, salary___________
Chas. Traub. Sr., Alderman, salar;
one special _________;_____________
alderman, sal., 1 special	10.00
II. S. Gillum, alderman, sal., 1 spec.	10.00
L. C. Carver, alderriian, sal., 1 spec.	10.00
Albert Tones, city mnrshnl, *nl 3
/-/3- /<?
New alloy ?Invar strt New instrument pan ly Lighted.
New ball bearing ' gear steering. Semi-elliptic (hock springs; 84 per cen ba*c.
Safety gasoline tank a Larger balloon tire* 3 New streamline b Fisher.
New Duco color*.
Alfred Carver, labor Ezra Arnold, labor________________________
Daniel Favre, labor______________________
George Heffier, labor____________________
.Tules Web re, labor --------------------
Oscar Lafontalne, labor ?----------------
Albert Heitzmann, labor
63.75 62.25
Rene Bermond, labor____________________	63.00
Forest I?laue, labor __________________	57.00
Alcee Carver, labor ____________________	60.00
John Plaue, labor ______________________	22.50
Randolph Bourgeois, labor--------------	6.00
Liberty Oil Co., gas and oil for
trucks ______________________________	85.43
George Schelb, special police ----------	6.00
Clarence Soule, stamps for	office?	2.00
A. J. Surdlah, gas and oil for city
Mor. ________1________________________	15.00
There being no further business appearing the Board adjourned.
Pau? Fell was arrested and taken
Bay St. Loui
1 The followi found correct I wit:
Ezra Arnold, lal j Ernest Meyers, 1 Joseph Capdepoi Alfred Arnold, 1 Sewell Carver, 1 Roland Lnfontnl Albert Carlo, lat Frank Stnppclr

Traub, Capt Charles 033
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