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MIS III 00545 HUNTING I-A'.JjRT'AKv.R "RAILROAD BILL” IN WOLF RIVER ART'A OF ’VEST HARRISON COUNTY, KISSISSIPPI CITY, DE BUYS STATION AND BILOXI August - 1895 Kississiopl City, August 8, 1895 — There is a portion of Harrison County in the vestern part ■where Wolf..River flovs, vhich is inhabited mainly fcy negroes, whose huts are far anart. The roads and highways of this section iskS are rather crooked and intricate, and vhile the unacquainted traveler vould travel miles from point to point, .the average citi/en can take a short cut ghrough the swamp and brakes, with vhich the section abounds. The society reports are not kept up in this section, consequently the nubile don't knov everything that is going on, neither is there a record of births, deaths and marriages keot, hence a stranger might die in these vilds and his family vould never knov vhat disposition was made of his remains, or vhat the verdict of the Coroner's Jury might be. "Railroad Rill" There are. hovever, visitors to these vilds occasionally. and it is a favorite resort of criminals who desire to keep from the public gaze for a v'nile, and it is a veil known resort of the irrepressible Railroad Bill, vho is no badly vant^d, and there is every reason to believe that that individual vas there only a few days before he made his late reappearance over in Alabama. Ataany rate, Captain Ben Duckworth was so informed, and, vith a posse of thr^e men, he took a long trip up to those vilds at th® time I speak of, and got so close on the track of Bill that he could almost smell him. He struck a cabin in the woods where Fill's cot vrs yet warm, and vas told he had teen there, and vr-s minutely Instructed of the whereabouts of Bill in a cabin by the bayou, but. "nigger" like, the informer snoke of the river as the bayou, and while Duckworth and his men vere making their advance on the hut described, the fugitive got wind of his movements and Trade tracks for the east; and when Duckworth RwSxhisxstEEx^ESRxzHkiKgxihEirxatfxjiHEEXXK discovered his mistake, and found the hut actually described on the bank of the river, he fouhd that he had rissed him. again. Betveen Visslssinol City and De Buys Statlon But today the alarming news comes to Duckvortfi from oartipc vho taov the railroad marauder wll th#t he vas „„„ ' lctt aUM
BSL 1880 To 1899 Hunting-Lawbreaker-Railroad-Bill-In-Wolf-River-Aug-1895-P1