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December, 1939 POPULAR AVIATION 87 Seaplane Odyssey {Continued from [?tii/e 1.1) tlio final fueling, ami Kenneth I?, liclir, manager of the airport, helped me in tlic rest, even to finding me a |>laee to sleep at the airport. It wasn't really the way a big-time llU:ht for a record is conducted I felt that even when the Coast (iuard had shown me the shoals and unlighted hnoys which might he obstructions in a daybreak take-off. There was a distinctly amateur quahty about the whole Might. That was where the amateur angle ended. The fog and rain and occasional snaps of wind were rather professional and competent in their own way and it wasn't the sort of way to make a llishl like this a joy ride. Not until I?d hit a stretch about 15 miles northeast of (Ireensboro, N. C.. did the rain let up a little. Then all the way down to South Carolina the clouds began to tire and chased upstairs. Suddenly the sun came out, winked once, ducked back out again and stayed with me for awhile. l'tin? In a wav, except that it was 1 :.?(> p. m. when I first remembered about eating. And it was a little after that when it occurred to me that a radio was useful aside from getting weather and beam reports. I?d been hearing nothing but mcchanical, if pleasant, voices giving me information all the way, but now I fiddled around until I got a good musical program. Over Atlanta I found the tail wind had pushed me up to I III m.p.h., so I throttled down to about 100 revs tinder normal cruising. I figured I might as well save fuel, from what I?d seen of bad weather? and the !?tciiit little engine could use the rest For that matter, so could I. And I got it. Near Montgomery, Alabama.' the weather was so completely guileless and smiling that 1 took out my shaving kit and began to do a much-needed job on the beard I?d taken with me from New York. Just about Ibis time I decided things were going loo well, so 1 began to figure out wavs and means of ending il. Somewhere over Mobile I knew i'd covered sufficient ground to break the record and, with the fuel I had left. I thought 1 might make (ialveston safely. The sun was what southerners like to imagine a southern sun is. lying on the horizon in a hath of purple and gold and the landscape looked like the unreal postcards friends are always finding when they I rax el. Well, it hit again. Near Hiloxi, in the sunny southern state of Mississippi, the clouds started ganging up again and preparing to charge down. First there was a slight burst of rain, then another. It eased off momentarily, but I knexv what xvas going on. Il seemed like a sucker's game to try to outsmart the weather again, this time in complete darkness and I?d played long enough. Kven then, reaching the New Orleans Airport at f> :29 p. m., the xveather stayed foxy. There was a surface wind of 25 m.p.h. snapping and NEW C-D CLOUDSTER! Now COMPLETE Kit at former price of Dry Kit al*nel Morr **??? ?*vrr "Ihn year?s outMandlne 4 model Iniv?I K?r use with rr '??" Kir* ?<-dWr--. iiinior* Hi Is no" Sinn Kit contains: nil rww- Rfrirsianrri! s.iry cements, roiored tissue. f-nmed niic , , laudin'* cr:ir. NKW C1> streamline wheel*. all usual printed shirk. strips mils. holts Hr \t dealer's nr shipped anyuhnr in U. S. poMfree $2.50. 10c RACING AUTOS Aullimllr srale. Six famous rarer* (3 Indianapolis whiners, Kutopcnn winners). Krml f>0c lor all six. Kncloso I.r>c extra, f?r park., post. 0HLSS0N '23? This (Inc '*<,* phis Imre ermine will e ?| u a I Ihe p<>r-form a nre of most hore Jobs. Ideally, suited In Cloud* stcr design almve. romplrte, ready to run. Jlfl.ftO. Send for l.:ite?t CataloK. featuring model aitplamx (Hyinc. folid. i ??:*?!>*-to-flyl ? model HU equipment- c>* models- all nidi known make* of can engines -'iippite*. parts. t<N) s. rnmeras, ship kits nn<i fltHnn*. rtr.. eir ltu?h H>r today for your ropy. Dealers, write. Cleveland Model & Supply Co., Inc. 4508C96 Lorain Awe., Cleveland, Ohio. U. S. A. STINSON GP-M For those ?Ihi want a really larsr tnode'. Kve||r;t ? suited to rt? fIn octroi work l?rv Kit. J.S.r.O; UYt Kit. Complete Kit (eremhint l*ut motor) $1* LOOK! World's Smallest Portable Radio WKKJtJS ONI.Y J I.IIS. com* plelo w lilt HnUcrio^ ? soIf rrwi- trtlm*?] loop ? NO AKIttAL______NO GltoUNIi! Dynamic M???r?kor. Transformer AK.sUrp * multi-|MII|H)HO llllK**. hi jr.nn C'nil actually I** <-:tir?c>l in \??ur 4-nnt |MM'hcli tteroi' !??* >r>?l semlft1?tnnt station*. Strong, noat. \v?tcipr*??f airplane clolli covered The tlrst ItKALt.Y poitaMe radio tlxat won't hrrak your srm In carry II! font* Itlllr to <><>eratc_______ iimc* rhenp rinshHpht hntterlo*! .Iu*l the thine for picnic*. iH'drooniM. oilier*. ennic.n, etc. oi*i:itATES WHILE WALKING ___ANYWHERE! SKNO ONLY *1.00 (currency. M.O., Chock i and r*y p?x?. man $H.05 plus postnce on arrival. 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Chapman, Henry B. Chapman-034