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grow till some time in November. near all of it will have to be toped, And that will make it branche and form still better. Tell Sister I would have written last Thursday to her but I have been so busy trying to catch this negro that I have not had time, so I thought I would waite till after I go up to the Bay, and tell her what I had to say to Miss Marther at the partie &c &c I do wish I could get me a fine horse when I was at the Bay or rather at Col Claibornes I rode my mule and attempted to go up to the Bay but after going a mile or two she stoped and I could go no further.
I whiped her for an hour, and finely had to cave in from exhaustion and return after being laughed at by ladies and gentlemen. I was wriding along some week's a go with three or four gentelmen up at the Bay and she threw me about ten feet over her head so I declared never to wride another mule as long as it can be avoided. I have her now for sale. I ask two hundred and fifty dollars if I cant get that here I will send or take her to New Orleans this fall, and I know I can sell her over there. Please tell the Dr to favour me with a few lines, and let me know about the horse I spoke to or rather wrote about in a letter some week's since. Tell brother if he intends writing to the "old [illeg]" he owes me two letters in answer to two I wrote him while at West Point. I should like very much to hear from him. does he intend remaining in the Army? I hope not. As it is now very late I will close by sending my love to all. With much to yourself I remain as ever your
affectionate son
Sami Jackson
P. S

Jackson Letters 034
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