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GULFPORT MEN'S CAMELLIA SOCIETY, Inc. ufljioxt, 1111jl fj. i ? WHERE YOUR SHIP COM US IN? February 2$, 1959 Mrs. Eugene Mogebgeb 208 St. Charles Street bey St. Louis, Mississinpi Dos r Mrs. Mogc bg? b: At the reguler monthly meeting held February l_7th (firr:t meeting efter the Annuel Show) it v/es unenimously voted to extend the Club1 s thenlcs for your kindness on your recent visit to judge the Ctfmellie SIooies et our Annuel Show held Jenurry 24 th e nd 2^th. The Club voted to heve e peir of Gtrden Sheers forwarded to you direct, t-nd these should reech you in e few dcys. If et ? ny time you v. re in Gulfoort, we will be gif d to hpve you attend our meeting, which is held the third Tuesdry of eech month October through April. Age in thenking you, v/e remein
Mogabgab 034