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be a defense for murder.. Pro?p?ctir* Bill*. ' . '? C ?ds of bills are expected to the legislative hopper dur-next few weeks. Among: .* dtf?. that ? ,?,.n,t7 ??? ip State of Mississippi, County of Hancock, City of Bay St., Louls.v' ??'*.:--tv.'???' I Pursuant to a special call, .'# aspecial meeting of the Board of Mayor arfd Alder* men of the City of Bay St. Louis was held mising a big fight are: The . n H- on December it ing plant lor school books; 28tb, at 6 o?clock p.m. -> ? - ? ...................... ' ? There were present Mayor O.. X. Blalxe; Aldermen H. S. Gillum, Charles Traub. Janies Marti and L. C. Carrel ure of brick by the state for poses; repeal of inheritance ndment of income tax; dis-of gasoline tax; abolishment nee rating bureau. Appointments, factional fight is promised nate over confirming nomi-iade by Governor Murphree.<j-r^<^!lt??k i forces claim that Governor >uld be allowed to fill the tat are now becoming va- Butler, of McComb, was ap-uperintendent of the peni-fanuary 1, 1923, by Gover-?11. The Senate in 1924 reconfirm this, and Governor named Dr. L. T. Fox for the rs remaining. In 1927 Fox >d for another four years ere is now a disposition to appointment back to Mur-I let Bilbo fill the vacancy omes in. This promises to the big fights of the sos- ly, frequently convicted of his face remodeled declar-w features would help him aight,? but after a short writer and lecturer he is in Quentin prison for vio-narcotic law. ances Hatton, of London, e Denison arrested, claim-he had lent him $70,000 id drugged her. ilking In a barn near Ham-Mrs. Hob Nichols? "hair, from the back of her head lirpins were melted by a iting, but she will recover. the Financial Condition of the VT8 HANK A TBU8T CO., alnt Louis, MisslHnlppt. of IlmiinMH December 3L, 1027. RESOURCES. iscounta _____________$ 770,832.10 usecured _____________ 119.91 . Mecurlties, etc. .. 20,500.00 mil with State ? ...._________________ 2.500.0C u i <1 Lot________ 15,001) 51 Fixtures____________ 24,31)3.41 ?r Banks?commer- rve funds ____________ 104,034.90 1 Checks for next iikh ________________ 4,151.83 _____________________ 8,039.00 _____________________ 495.00 ?kels mid cents______ 2,173.07 ed __________________ 03,500.00 The object of ?&ld meeting Is as follows: Pay off labor and all bills due;, receive bids for gravel f pay contractor for reser-J ?olr topping and all matters pertaining to franchise of Mississippi Power Company; borrow money; to pay labor and i>ther obligations. Executed on Alderman Charles Traub, a.m. Executed on Alderman James Marti, 10:10 o'clock a.m. ??? Executed on Alderman. H. iDeS. Gillum, 10 o'clock a.m. N Executed on Alderman L. C. Carver, 10 o?clock a.m. Motion by Alderman Carver, seconded by Alderman Gillum and carried, that the franchise of the Mississippi Power Company as advertised as provided for by law be and Is hereby made final. Motion by Alderman Gillum, seconded by Alderman Marti, and carried,- that A. R. Johnston be and Is hereby allowed the sum of $275.00 for his work in constructing the top on the water reservoir, In accordance with contract and that the work as done be and the same Is hereby accepted and that' the Secretary and the Mayor be and ire hereby authorised and directed to Issue ^i-wa^rant In full payment therefor. Motion by Alderman Traub, seconded by Alderman. Gillum that all of the bids for gravel be and are. hereby rejected on account of not having been advertised ac-?ordlnjf to law. v?Motion by Alderman Gillum, seconded by Alderman Carver, and carried, that all if the laborers and officers of the City of Bay St. Louis be paid for their month's work and warrants Issue by the Mayor and ?Secretary on December 31st, 1927, for all amounts due for labor and salaries, this being: their authority for so doing. Motion by Alderman Carver, seconded by Uderman Marti that the Mayor and Secretary be and are hereby authorized to bor-ow the sum of Three Thousand Dollars 'rom the Merchants Bank & Trust Com-iany as provided! for by law. Resolution: Moved by Alderman Carver, seconded by Alderman Marti, and carried, that the following resolution be adopted: Whereas, Section 8, Chapter 209 of the 'laws of the State of Mississippi of'1918 provided that no warrants shall be Issued by any county or municipality unless there 's sufficient money In the particular fund from which the allowance Is made to pay inch warrants, nnd. ?W4wons, the City of Bay St. Louis has ?io money In the City funds to pay current expenses, and, Whereas, Chapter 178 of the laws of 1918 empowers all municipalities to borrow ?ionics pending the collection of taxes of ?he current year, it Is necessary to borrow money to pay nil current expenses from 'aid funds; therefore, be It resolved that 'he Mayor be and Is hereby authorized and ;mpowered to borrow Three Thousand Dol-?ars ($3,000.00), or so much thereof as may '?>e necessary, and to deposit to the credit ?'t said City fund In such amounts as he iilnV? proper. That the Mayor and other ffidals who are required by the lender ?>e and are authorized and empowered to dgn a note or other obligations, obligates the city to pay such amounts not later than the 15th of February, 1928. Approved In open Board this the 28th day of December, 1927. S. J. LADNER, Secty. Motion by Alderman Marti, seconded by Mdernian Carver and cnrrled, that John ?I''* ?? mihI 1h t w r i*l- V 'i 11 r ? ? t Mii? n'l'H eric I . Agaln. ChcvroIet has created mobile "so* Jafc beyond all < tioria in the Ibw-price field constitutes the greatest achie of America?s greatest industr Built on a 4-inch longer whe? offering numerous improven performance, beauty and i the Bigger and Better Ch marks a spectacular epoch development of luxurious portation at low cost. The engine is of improved v; head design with alloy ?inva; pistons . . . hydro*laminatei 4 ha ft gears ... mushroom typ ?appets ... AC oil filter . . . sJ**ner and a new crankcase 1 fng system. , Throughout the entire car i Every feature of advance* offered in the New Improved valve-in-hea< New stronger frame 4' wheelbase 107?. New four-wheel brakes Thermoitat control i system.,, New alloy ?Invar strut? New instrument panel 1 ly lighted. New ball bearing wot gear steering. ' Semi-elliptic shock at *nrln(T?? A*t r?er cent (V
Traub, Capt Charles 034