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At their next meeting, on April 27, 1868, the Eoard In desperation araln named Overseers of Roads.
Any	reluctance on	the part of the Board to move the	County
Seat of Justice to Shieldsborough, which provided little in the way of courthouse facilities, would seem to have been justified. Eight months later, on March 17,	1868, the Old
Custom Bouse was abandoned as a courthouse site, and the government was moved to the Masonic Lodge building.
The city was doing everything in its power to make the county's residence in Shieldsborough as attractive as possible. The Mayor and Aldermen offered to trade some of its land for land owned by the county, sell the county's land, and use the money to build a courthouse. But the board was divided on the benefits	of the city's	offer, and on April 28,	1868, turned	down
the city's proposal on	a split vote:
•Whereas the Board of the Mayor and	Aldermen	of	the
City of Shieldsborough proposed to exchange a certain lot of

Hancock County Courthouse Courthouse-History-by-Jim-Pfeiffer-1981-(11)
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